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Moscow the power of submission

[OS] 2010-#46-Johnson's Russia List

Released on 2012-10-19 08:00 GMT

Moscow The Power Of Submission

Date2010-03-08 17:12:18
[OS] 2010-#46-Johnson's Russia List
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Johnson's Russia List
8 March 2010
A World Security Institute Project
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In this issue
1. ITAR-TASS: On March 8 Russian Women Forget Equality Drive To Enjoy Courtesies.
2. More women rise to corporate peaks.
3. ITAR-TASS: Gorbachev Not Satisfied With Pace Of Democratisation In Russia.
4. Interfax: All in Russia should be fingerprinted - prosecutor's report.
5. Paul Goble: Corruption Keeping Russian Highways among Worst in the World, Investigators Say.
6. RFE/RL: Liz Fuller, Five Years After Maskhadov's Death, Situation In North Caucasus Remains Complex.
7. RIA Novosti: Russian police whistleblower Dymovsky says released.
8. Angus Reid Global Monitor: Ruling United Russia Maintains Huge Lead.
9. A Nascent Anti-Putin Movement Gains Confidence in Russia.
10. RFE/RL: Putin's Old Nemesis Speaks Out After Decade Of Silence. (Marina Salye)
11. New York Times: A Writer Invites Russia to Engage Its Painful Past. (Yelena Chizhova)
12. Interfax: One Russia leader urges Moscow mayor not to put up Victory Day Stalin posters.
13. BBC Monitoring: Rights officials, One Russia oppose plans for Stalin posters in Moscow.
14. The Sunday Times (UK): The sober truth behind Boris Yeltsin's drinking problem.
15. Vremya Novostey: Unemployed Cannot Be Stopped. The number of registered unemployed persons in Russia is approaching the critical mark.
16. RIA Novosti: No state monopoly for alcohol in Russia.
17. The National (UAE): In Russia, it pays to keep bureaucratic palms greased.
18. BBC: What will save the Russian car industry?
19. ITAR-TASS: Primakov Puts Forth Initiative To Create CIS Unified Centre Of Innovations.
20. ITAR-TASS: Russia does not view former Soviet Union as 'chessboard' - foreign minister.
21. Interfax: Russian general predicts problems with START ratification.
22. Interfax: Russian general takes issue with US missile defence plan, NATO expansion.
23. Interfax: Russian expert calls for equal partnership with USA in ABM issues.
24. Jamestown Foundation Eurasia Daily Monitor: Jacob Kipp, Russia's Tactical Nuclear Weapons and Eurasian Security.
25. BBC Monitoring: Pundits doubt Russian navy needs French-built warship.
26. Reuters: New Ukraine leader soothes Russia, no gas deals.
27. Interfax: Putin wants 'to make up for lost time' in relations with Ukraine.
28. RIA Novosti: Viktor Yanukovych to gain points from Bandera controversy - expert.
29. New issue of Russian Analytical Digest: Russian Financial Activities.
30. Andrei Tsygankov: Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity. The Second Edition.
31. Simon Cosgrove: New website about human rights in Russia:
32. Svetlana Babaeva: Russia and the US: Ten dimensions. (DJ: Comments welcome)
On March 8 Russian Women Forget Equality Drive To Enjoy Courtesies
MOSCOW, March 6 (Itar-Tass) -- On Monday it will be a hundred years since a leading German woman socialist, Klara Zetkin, had an idea of
introducing a special day of struggle for women's rights, which, after a while, was transformed into a spring holiday - March 8 - also known as
International Women' s Day.
This day in Russia, in contrast to what it is in the West European countries, is not so much an occasion for the advocates of the equality of
sexes to take the streets and demonstrate, as a genuinely popular holiday, when everybody is literally obliged to give women presents and say no
end of nice and flattering things. And yet, it is on the eve of March 8 that as a rule many recall all of the women's problems and evaluate their
real position in society.
As follows from an opinion poll, published on the website of the daily Noviye Izvestia, 55 percent of its readers believe that March 8 is a
spring holiday and a good occasion to congratulate the ladies around. To 18 percent of the polled this date is just an extra day off, and 12
percent responded that March 8 is an old-time Soviet-style holiday. Ten percent remarked - with a pinch of sarcasm - that it is a real holiday
for the flower vendors first and foremost, and six percent claim that it is in no way different from any other day in the calendar.
As for the original message of the March 8 holiday - the solidarity of women in the struggle for equal rights with men - it is remembered only by
a select few.
Experts say that the reason for this sort of transformation is that if one takes a look at the situation that there existed a hundred years ago,
the need for the fight for gender equality is no longer as acute. Women have the right to vote, they can get higher education and dedicate
themselves to science and research, they have the right to initiating divorce and to abortion, and there has been great progress in the market of
On the basis of statistics and the opinion of experts one can draw an image of the average Russian woman. The portrait may look like this.
She is better educated than man, she works, for which she gets far less than the opposite sex, and at home she is responsible for most household
chores. She is no longer as obsessed with marriage prospects as her mothers and grandmothers. She eagerly agrees to unregistered marriage, she
appreciates freedom and intimate life. She wishes to rear children, but at the same time she is unprepared to sacrifice professional ambitions.
And the state does literally nothing to help her with all this somehow and for it reserves for her only backstage roles in society.
The woman must dedicate herself entirely to the family and children. Career-making and mental faculties are in tenth place in terms of
importance, and equality with men is worth forgetting. This is precisely the Russian society's attitude to its fairer half, according to a ROMIR
Monitoring opinion poll of several years ago.
As many as 78 percent said that the family is the main thing about life in Russia, 44 percent pointed to love, 12 percent, to career success, and
a tiny seven percent said that the equality of women's and men's rights is most important of all.
The realties, however, are in stark contrast to the public opinion. First and foremost, as it has turned out, women are no longer eager to get
married. An opinion poll by the very same ROMIR group has shown that one in three Russian women has decided that work and career should be placed
above maternity.
'Russian women wish to stay out of wedlock,' says the chief of the Human Demography and Ecology Center at the Economic Forecasting Institute
under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Vishnevsky. In each one thousand women, he says 175 have never been married, 180 are widows, and
110 divorced.
The real state of affairs regarding women's loneliness does not look so sad. The dwindling share of registered marriages is compensated for with
growth in unregistered ones, and specialists tend to regard them as a new model of the Russian family.
'The Russian woman no longer believes that her social status depends on the marital one. Approximately one-third of children are born to
unregistered spouses or a single mother,' political scientist Svetlana Aivazova, a leading specialist on gender equality, told Itar-Tass.
According to opinion polls, says Aivazova, 'most Russians believe that it is far better to have no family than to have a bad one.'
Although the average woman is better educated than the average man (one in four employed Russian women have higher education, in contrast to one
in five working men, and 58 percent of college students are women), they get for their work less than men (according to official statistics, her
wage is two-thirds of the man's one, and, according to many experts, it is as small as 50 percent of what a man would get for the same work).
Whereas just eleven years ago the average woman's earnings were 78.5 percent of the average man's, now this rate ranges 46 to 52 percent from
region to region.
Statistics show that the higher salaried the profession is, the fewer women there are, for they tend to take mostly lower steps of the career
ladder. But the situation has been changing year in, year out.
'A mere five years ago in the ten contenders for the position of a chief executive officer there could be no more than three women,' the daily
Noviye Izvestia quotes Natalya Kurkchi, a partner of a recruiting company. 'Now the rate is approximately 50 to 50.
By the number of women involved in the political life of the state Russia is in 99th place on a 115-line list, says a report by the World
Economic Forum. And, as UN experts believe, as long as there are less than 20 percent of women in the bodies of power, the problems of children
can have no effective solution, and if the rate is under 30 percent, the problems of women remain unresolved.
In the meantime, the sentiment in society is very different. The very same ROMIR poll showed that 70 percent of Russians are for the full gender
equality, and 44 percent will be prepared to vote for a woman candidate for the presidency.
'A mere 15-20 years ago the state had a social policy for women, albeit a latently discriminatory one. Now women have been neglected by the
state, first and foremost in terms of support after child-bearing,' Aivazova said.
Also, says she, 'the past few years have seen an onslaught of the conservative ideology. Conservative values are being dictated to society.'
The political scientist recalled the discussion over the possibility of legalizing polygamy, in which some officials took part.
'Before, it could never occur to anybody that such an idea may be discussed in full seriousness. Now, it is a real attack on women's rights.'
In her opinion, this trend is first and foremost a result of ever greater influence of the religious factor - both Islam and Orthodoxy - on
'This is the choice of the elite, which is beginning to plant these values in the interests of religious groups, while the idea of the secular
state is being pushed into the background,' Aivazova said. 'The reel of history is being run backwards, to 1905 and beyond.'
[return to Contents]
March 8, 2010
More women rise to corporate peaks
More and more women are taking senior-level positions in Russian business - according to a survey by PWC and the Russian Managers Association in
the run up to International Women's Day.
Ekaterina Shapochka has been head of marketing department in a large corporation for seven years. Her unit consists of more than 50 people.
Ekaterina says it is a challenge for a woman to be a success in a business world still dominated by men.
'Women usually work longer in companies, so they're more loyal, but they stay at the same position for a longer time, which means they probably
are not promoted as easily as men are. Women just have more responsibilities we need to do much more effort to be successful.'
According to a survey by PWC and the Russian Managers Association, women now make up a large proportion A more than 90% A of chief accountants,
70% of HR senior managers and almost half of chief financial officers, while there still few women among general directors, chairmen of the
board, presidents and operations directors.
The last three years have seen an increase in the number of women occupying senior-level positions. Sergey Litovchenko, Executive Director, at
the Russian Managers Association says trends vary between industries.
'Women play a dominant role in the service sector, consumer and food industries, as well as in small business, which gives women more
opportunities to manage their time. There are also more women working at state institutions.'
The financial crisis has also had its impact A job and salary cuts affected more women than men according to Ekaterina Shapochka.
'We do try to optimise resources, which means we need to do the same amount of work with less resources.'
On the other hand the crisis presents a chance for leaders to take responsibility and develop their future careers A and responsibility is
something women can't escape.
[return to Contents]
Gorbachev Not Satisfied With Pace Of Democratisation In Russia
MOSCOW, March 5 (Itar-Tass) -- Ambitious plans of the country's modernization cannot be carried out without further democratic transformations,
ex-president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev believes.
Presenting on Friday the report of the Gorbachev-Foundation 'The Breakthrough to Freedom and Democracy', the former Soviet leader suggested
considering both positive and negative experience of the reforms he started and failed to complete 25 years ago.
He recalled that he had started 'perestroika' under the slogan of enhancing the role of man and of 'creativity of the masses'. 'Meanwhile
modernization is sought to be carried out almost without people's participation,' he said.
Gorbachev is convinced that Russia will not abandon the democratic road. He is concerned at the same time over nostalgia for the Soviet, the
Brezhnev times.
The fate of perestroika, Gorbachev noted, was largely decided by the delay with reforming the CPSU. There were both Communists and Liberals in
the CPSU, and 'when the party began stalling, they should have parted company.' On the whole, 'there were many things we have overlooked, failed
to grasp and got frightened of.'
The present-day 'United Russia', Gorbachev believes, 'is the same as the CPSU, only worse.' He believes many drawbacks of the one-party system
are being reproduced. 'Is this democracy when it was with difficulty that some parties were scraped up for the Duma, while the monopoly of the
party of power was actually restored and pride is even taken of that,' he said. He came out for the continuation 'of all trends connected with
the modernization of society and of all its institutions.'
Gorbachev believes the system of the division of powers is far from perfect. 'The institutions - parliament, courts - seem to exist, while this
is not so in reality. They are merely decorative,' he said.
Gorbachev does not understand clearly how matters stand with the competence of the executive authorities and with the division of functions
between the president and the premier. He said the formation of a 'tandem' does not run counter to the Constitution. Besides, the president and
the premier know each other for a long time, and this permits using this scheme effectively. 'We have no reason to be nervous now about the
relations between the president and the premier,' he said, describing as 'instigation' the attempts of political experts and journalists 'to set
at loggerheads' the head of state and the head of government. At the same time he believes that 'there is a need seriously to analyse and put
questions, if they arise, to both of them together, and to each one in particular.'
'The president talks a lot about the need for democracy, while the premier does not talk so much of that, but maybe they have arranged so,' the
former Soviet leader said.
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All in Russia should be fingerprinted - prosecutor's report
Moscow, 5 March: Chairman of the Investigations Committee under the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation (SKP) Aleksandr Bastrykin
believes it necessary to introduce DNA registration and finger-printing for the whole of the Russian population.
'In general it would be useful to introduce finger-printing and DNA registration for the whole population of the Russian Federation,' reads
Bastrykin's report at the Prosecutor-General's office Board meeting, published on the website.
Vladimir Markin, official spokesman for the Investigations Committee under the Russian prosecutor's office, said that Bastrykin made a short
report at the Board meeting on 4 March, while the full text of the report was published at the committee website on 5 March.
'(The proposal on the DNA and fingerprinting registration) is linked not only to combating crime, and we are talking not only about total
suspicion of all citizens of crime; this is necessary, first and foremost, to provide security of citizens themselves,' the text of the report
The report also says that measures like this are necessary to ease the identification of those who die in air and train crashes as well as in
technogenic accidents. 'Moreover, there are tens of thousands of missing people in Russia. It is impossible to identify a person without DNA
registration or fingerprinting data if an unidentified body or its fragment is found,' the report says. (Passage omitted)
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Window on Eurasia: Corruption Keeping Russian Highways among Worst in the World, Investigators Say
By Paul Goble
Vienna, March 8 A Russia ranks 118th out of 133 countries, right alongside Mozambique and Burundi, in terms of the quality of its
highways, according to the latest report of the World Economic Forum, a ranking that is the result, Russian investigators say, of the outmoded
construction practices and massive corruption such practices invite.
But what is still worse, according to a set of articles in the current issue of Moscow's 'New Times,' the poor quality of Russian
highways is not only limiting economic growth by slowing the movement of freight and increasing its cost but also resulting in the second highest
rate of highway fatalities in the world.
And as if to add insult to all these injuries, the weekly magazine cites experts who say the actual size of Russia's highway system
has declined over the past 15 years, despite the government's use of statistical manipulation to allow the powers that be to claim that there has
been a slight increase instead (
For more than 150 years, Russians have said that their two chief problems are 'duraki' and 'dorogi' (fools and roads). But now at the
beginning of the 21st century, 'New Times' writes, this 'problem has become even more severe,' with too small a highway network, too slow
construction of new roads, and too low quality in both cases.
The economic impact of Russia's inadequate roads, the weekly continues, is clear from a comparison with the situation in the
European Union. There, trucks carrying goods average 1000 kilometers a day, three and a third times as far as Russian trucks do, and while
trucks carry 76 percent of all freight in Europe, they carry only nine percent of it in Russia.
And those figures in turn, Russian experts cited by 'New Times' say, translate into much higher costs for Russia than for its
competitors in the EU. Moving freight is 50 percent most costly in Russia than it is in European Union countries, and Russian haulers spend a
third more on fuel than do European ones.
A major reason for this is that Russia does not have enough highways and is not building many. Vladislav Inozemtsev, the head of the Moscow
Center for Research on Post-Industrial Societies, says that from 1995 through 2007, the length of automobile highways, according to Rosstat,
practically remained unchanged.'
In 1995, the country had 940,000 kilometers of such roads, he notes, and in 2007, it had only 23,000 kilometers more, according to official
statistics. But in fact, Inozemtsev continues, the real figures would show a nine percent decline, something the government masked by including
local roads officials had not counted before.
Anticipating criticism that it is 'not entirely correct' to compare 'enormous and relatively poor Russia with compact and well-off Europe,'
'New Times' points out that other comparisons, in particular with what is taking place in China, are possible and hardly show Russia at an
China, with an area a little more than half the size of the Russian Federation, not only has more roads A some 1,900,000 kilometers A than
Russia does but is building them much more rapidly A in 2008, Beijing built 53,600 kilometers of highways, 21.4 times as many as Russia A and
plans to extend its highway network to 3,000,000 kilometers by 2030.
But Russia's problems with its roadways are not just a question of size: 'Only 40 percent of federal highways correspond to [international]
norms concerning the quality of the pavement and the width of the lanes,' the weekly says. As a result, Russia ranks with Mozambique, and
Burundi, 'and in Kazakhstan, Uganda, Mauritania, and Lesotho, the quality of roads is higher.'
This situation should not be continuing, 'New Times' suggests, given that Moscow continues to spend so much money on roads. In the 2010
federal budget, the weekly notes, 263.4 billion rubles (9 billion US dollars) is allocated for highways, only a little less than the 271.1
billion rubles budgeted in the pre-crisis year of 2008.
Perhaps to the surprise of many, Russians are spending more per kilometer than the Americans are A 'One kilometer of the
Krasnodar-Novorossiysk highway costs the Russian budget six times more than the American taxpayers pay' A and they are getting less A Russian
roads last only 10-12 years while those in climatically similar Sweden last 40 years.
That too entails enormous costs to the Russian economy, and it could relatively easily be changed if Russian road builders were to
adopt the standard practice, increasingly used even in China, of putting iron and steel plinths in the concrete to give them greater stability
and longer life, something Russian concerns do not yet do.
That would not only save money but it would save lives. According to the World Health Organization, 'New Times' says, 'Russia
occupies the second place in the world [in highway deaths] A 25.2 per 100,000 people,' second only to Kazakhstan with 30.6 deaths per 100,000
Given all the advantages of building more and better roads, the news weekly asks, why do Russian enterprises not do it? And it says
that 'the answer which experts gives unanimously is corruption,' a plague which 'boosts the price of the construction of roads tens of times' and
one bureaucrats don't fight because they can earn more by not doing so.
[return to Contents]
March 7, 2010
Five Years After Maskhadov's Death, Situation In North Caucasus Remains Complex
By Liz Fuller
Five years ago, on March 8, 2005, the Russian authorities announced the death in a shootout of Chechen President and resistance commander Aslan
His death was a milestone in Russia's struggle to preserve control over the North Caucasus.
Just weeks earlier, Maskhadov had unilaterally declared a cease-fire in what was to be the last of a series of overtures to Moscow aimed at
negotiating an end to years of fighting that had cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
But then Russian President Vladimir Putin -- in contrast to his predecessor Boris Yeltsin, who condoned an armistice and the withdrawal of
Russian troops from Chechnya in 1996 -- was obsessed with physically destroying every last fighter in Chechnya. Putin notoriously referred to
'rubbing them out in the latrine' and categorically rejected any talks with 'terrorists.'
That fixation with military force has proven counterproductive.
As Maskhadov himself predicted in an interview with RFE/RL's North Caucasus Service shortly before he was killed, the Russian leadership's
refusal to come to the negotiating table has only accelerated the spillover of fighting from Chechnya to the other, hitherto largely peaceful
North Caucasus republics.
That process began even before Russia sent its troops into Chechnya in the fall of 1999 for the second time in five years.
'Unless the war in Chechnya is stopped quickly, it will spread outwards. In fact, it has been spreading for some time now. Today fighting can be
seen in Daghestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ossetia, Ingushetia, Karachayevo-Cherkessia,' Maskhadov said.
As an experienced military commander, Maskhadov responded by expanding his network of fighters, establishing new 'fronts' in Ingushetia,
Kabardino-Balkaria, and Daghestan. The commanders of those fronts were subordinate to the military leadership of the Chechen resistance.
But Maskhadov always insisted that his men avoid civilian casualties wherever possible. And he refrained from launching attacks outside the North
Caucasus. His successors have not abided by those constraints. Doku Umarov, who was named resistance commander in June 2006 after Maskhadov's
immediate successor, Abdul-Khakim Sadullayev, was killed, has revived the Riyadus Salikhiin suicide squad originally set up by renegade field
commander Shamil Basayev. Its members regularly target police officers with no regard for possible civilian casualties.
Fighters loyal to Umarov have also claimed attacks elsewhere in Russia. They claimed responsibility for the explosion last August that severely
damaged a hydroelectric power station in southern Siberia and for the bombing in November of a Moscow-St. Petersburg express train. (Moscow
authorities have attributed the train bombing to Chechen extremists, but have dismissed terrorism in the dam explosion, attributing it to
technical and infrastructure problems.)
Maskhadov sought above all to establish a negotiated agreement with Moscow that would give Chechnya the maximum leeway to develop as an
autonomous democratic republic. Umarov by contrast has embraced jihad as the only way to secure independence for the entire North Caucasus.
Soviet Officer
Unassuming and soft-spoken, Maskhadov was a career Soviet army officer who at the age of 40 had risen to the rank of colonel and commander of an
artillery division. Russian Army Colonel General Gennady Troshev, who commanded the Russian forces in Chechnya in 1994-1995, pays tribute in his
memoirs to Maskhadov's professionalism and self-discipline.
But when the Soviet Union imploded in late 1991, Maskhadov resigned from the army and returned to Chechnya to head the armed forces created by
then Chechen President Dzhokhar Dudayev. Maskhadov commanded the Chechen resistance throughout the 1994-1996 war. He was responsible for the
recapture of Grozny by the resistance in August 1996.
RFE/RL North Caucasus Service director Aslan Doukaev, who witnessed that military operation, describes it as 'brilliant.'
'Maskhadov was, no doubt, a talented military strategist. During the 1996 operation to retake Grozny, several hundred fighters under his command,
armed only with light weapons, brought a superior Russian military force to its knees within a few hours,' Doukaev said.
Within weeks, Maskhadov and then Russian Security Council Secretary Aleksandr Lebed had signed a formal cease-fire. In January 1997, Maskhadov
was elected Chechen president in a ballot that international observers pronounced free and fair. In May, he signed a formal treaty with Russian
President Yeltsin on interstate relations between Chechnya and the Russian Federation.
That was perhaps the high point of Maskhadov's career. He was soon drawn in to a struggle for power with the more radical resistance fighters,
first and foremost Basayev, who sought to undermine him. Under pressure from that Islamist wing, Maskhadov issued decrees imposing Shari'a law
throughout Chechnya and stripping the parliament elected in 1997 -- one of his last remaining bastions of support -- of its legislative
In the summer of 1999, Basayev defied Maskhadov by spearheading successive invasions of Daghestan and proclaiming an independent North Caucasus
Islamic republic. Moscow responded with bombing raids on Chechnya, then launched a full-fledged invasion in October 1999.
Maskhadov's repeated appeals to the international community to persuade Moscow to begin peace talks went unheeded.
Instead, Putin named former Chechen mufti Akhmed-hadji Kadyrov to head a pro-Moscow regime in Grozny. That move paved the way for the inexorable
rise to power of Kadyrov's son Ramzan, today the most influential and feared political figure in the entire North Caucasus.
Last summer, the Kremlin gave the green light for talks between Kadyrov's envoys and Akhmed Zakayev, who heads the Chechen government in exile.
But a planned world congress to cement reconciliation between Maskhadov's supporters and the brutal pro-Moscow regime in Grozny, scheduled for
late February, has been postponed indefinitely.
Shortly after Maskhadov's death, Lebed's successor as Russian Security Council secretary, Ivan Rybkin, told RFE/RL he doubted whether the Chechen
conflict could still be resolved peacefully.
Rybkin pointed out that 'there are very few potential interlocutors left, and whether they speak Chechen or Russian they say very little that
makes any sense, for of course there is a glaring absence of both the professionalism and the intellect needed to resolve and untangle the knots
of bleeding problems both within Chechnya and across the North Caucasus.'
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's recent appointment of Aleksandr Khloponin to oversee the North Caucasus was clearly intended to resolve those
'bleeding problems.' But with the insurgency growing in strength daily, time is not on Medvedev's side.
[return to Contents]
Russian police whistleblower Dymovsky says released
KRASNODAR, March 7 (RIA Novosti)-A former Russian police officer who had posted on the web two video messages urging a nationwide crackdown on
police corruption said Sunday he has been released from custody.
Police Major Alexei Dymovsky from the Black Sea port of Novorossiisk in Russia's southern Krasnodar Territory hit the headlines across Russia in
September after he used the Web to accuse his bosses and colleagues of corruption. He also called on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to take
action. The recording was also posted on with English subtitles.
Dymovsky has been charged with fraud and abuse of office, which carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years. He was under arrest since January 22
but the arrest was replaced today with his written pledge not to leave town.
He told RIA Novosti by phone on Sunday that he was released at about 22:00 Moscow time [19:00 GMT].
In his video messages, Dymovsky said department chiefs forced officers to solve nonexistent crimes and even 'jail innocent people' to
artificially improve crime figures. He complained that ordinary staff were treated 'like cattle,' had no days off or sick leaves, and said young
people joined the police on a 12,000 rubles monthly wage ($413) because they knew they would be able to survive on bribes.
Shortly after posting his claims, Dymovsky was fired for 'libel and action that tarnishes the police force.'
Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev, who vowed last August to eradicate corruption in his ministry, ordered a federal probe into Dymovsky's
This and other scandals prompted President Dmitry Medvedev in December to order a large-scale reform of the Interior Ministry, trimming police
numbers and raising salaries in an effort to reduce corruption.
[return to Contents]
Ruling United Russia Maintains Huge Lead
March 8, 2010
(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - A majority of Russians would vote for the ruling party in the next legislative election, according to a poll by the
All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center. 54 per cent of respondents would support United Russia (YR), down one point since January.
The Communist Party (KPRF) is a very distant second with only seven per cent, followed by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) with five per cent,
and the opposition movement A Just Russia with four per cent.
Russian voters renewed the State Duma in December 2007. United RussiaAwhose candidate list was headed by then president Vladimir PutinAsecured
64.1 per cent of the vote and 315 of the legislature's 450 seats. On that same month, Putin endorsed Dmitry Medvedev as a presidential candidate,
and Medvedev said it would be of the 'utmost importance' to have Putin as prime minister.
In March 2008, Medvedev easily won Russia's presidential election with 70.28 per cent of the vote. In May, Medvedev was sworn in as president.
His nomination of Putin as prime minister was confirmed by the State Duma in a 392-56 vote.
Last month, the left-wing United Russian Labour Front (ROTF) held its founding congress in Moscow. ROTF co-chairman Sergei Udaltsov said the new
political organization will launch the process to seek official registration 'immediately.'
According to existing regulations, parties must have at least 45,000 membersAand branches in at least half of Russia's 83 federal subjectsAin
order to apply for registration.
Polling Data
Which party would you vote for in the election to the State Duma?
Feb. 2010
Jan. 2010
Dec. 2009
United Russia (YR)
Communist Party (KPRF)
Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR)
A Just Russia
Source: All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center
Methodology: Interviews with 1,600 Russian adults, conducted on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27, 2010. Margin of error is 3.4 per cent.
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March 7, 2010
A Nascent Anti-Putin Movement Gains Confidence in Russia
By Simon Shuster / Moscow
Russia's opposition has long been fond of the word 'de-Putinization,' which to those who dream of such things is a different way of saying
'progress.' It reflects the rather starry-eyed belief that if Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his circle fall from grace, change will come
immediately and Russia will morph into Europe. For years the opposition movement's strategy has been to rub away at Putin's credibility 'like
drops of water on a cinderblock,' as one of its leading figures, Boris Nemtsov, puts it. For most of that time the impact of their work has fit
this analogy. In the past few weeks, though, signs of something new have begun to emerge. Regular Russians, not just the usual crew of activists,
have been coming out by the thousands to call for Putin to resign. De-Putinization, opposition figures say, has finally begun.
The pivotal point came on Jan. 30, when an opposition rally in the western city of Kaliningrad attracted 10,000 people, an incredibly high
turnout for Russia's docile political culture, and likely the biggest protest for at least five years.
The people in Kaliningrad have a lot to be angry about. A hike in import duties has crushed one of the region's most vital industries: the
importation of used cars from Europe that are then sold on in Russia. The end of that trade has put as many as 20,000 locals out of work. The
price of utilities has jumped. And on top of that, the unpopular governor, a Kremlin-appointed former tax minister from Moscow named Georgy Boos
levied a new tax on drivers. During the worst bout of unemployment and economic decline in a decade, reports of Boos' lavish vacations to Europe
make many locals despise him.
For the opposition, this presents a great opportunity. Opposition leaders flew down from Moscow to have their turn at the podium during the late
January protest. Alongside local activists, they called not only for lower taxes, more jobs and a new governor, but for an end to Putin's reign.
Nemtsov was the most prominent figure to speak. A popular governor of Nizhny Novgorod in the 1990s and a deputy prime minister under President
Boris Yeltsin, he took the stage in a bomber jacket and jeans. 'Moscow is sucking the money from the regions as if they were its colonies,' he
said. 'Until we oust this corrupt police state, we will never achieve a thing.' There was a swell of applause, and he finished his speech with a
famous quote from Alexander Pushkin, the nation's greatest poet. 'Russia will waken from its slumber,' he shouted. 'And on the ruins of
despotism, our names shall be inscribed!' The crowd went wild. The government became the enemy.
A few weeks later at his office in a Stalin-era high-rise in Moscow, Nemtsov is still beaming. A new strategy had come out of Kaliningrad, he
says, and he seems restless to enact it. 'We have to monitor the overall environment very carefully. We have to spot where protests are flaring
up, and we have to act on that,' he tells TIME. 'At first it will be a mosaic. It will be fragmented..But eventually the whole country will
catch on.'
The ultimate goal, Nemtsov says, is to organize a rally ten times the size of Kaliningrad in the center of the capital. And then what? 'Well,
after that we'll have elections, and then we'll see who wins and who loses. But the point is we have to get rid of Putin. He is dangerous,'
Nemtsov says. 'I think this year is going to be the year of anti-Putin protests.'
He may be right. Demonstrations have cropped up around the country in the past few weeks. They have been smaller than in Kaliningrad but still
very large by Russian standards. In the Siberian city of Irkutsk a protest on Feb. 13 attracted about 2000 people. In late 2008, just as the
Russian economy was plunging, there was a protest of a few thousand people in Vladivostok and subsequent rallies that brought out a few hundred
people. But the latest rallies are larger, the reasons behind them more diverse and the calls for Putin's resignation more fervent. The prime
minister's popularity has started to suffer. In the week after Kaliningrad, Putin's approval ratings as measured by state run pollster, VTsIOM,
fell to their lowest level in almost four years.
He remains, of course, the most popular politician in Russia by far, as well as the most powerful. But even the mainstream opposition sees an
opening. Take the Yabloko Party. It had led the pro-Western forces in parliament throughout the 1990s before being voted out in 2007 in an
election it says was rigged. Kaliningrad has helped turn its focus to the streets. 'The outlying regions are in a better mood for protests,' its
leader, Sergei Mitrokhin tells TIME. 'Kaliningrad shed light on all the vices of the current regime and its economic policies, and it has led us
to activate our regional branches. We have been carrying out a series of protests and pickets around the country, and we will continue working in
this direction.'
The hurdles are many. Putin loyalists control Russia's political institutions as well as the entire bureaucracy. The government also controls all
the major TV channels. The Kaliningrad protest got virtually no coverage in the mainstream Russian press. Putin has also been able to deflect
part of the resentment by dressing down his political party, United Russia, and sending out envoys to show that the Kremlin is paying attention.
Meanwhile, the opposition remains deeply divided. Egos sometimes override their pragmatism, and a real alliance appears unthinkable. Since
Kalingrad, opposition leaders have gone back to denouncing each other. 'There is a fear of competition between them,' says Valeriya
Novodvorskaya, a prominent Soviet dissident and a vocal critic of Putin's rule. First arrested by the KGB for her activism in 1969, Novodvorskaya
is no stranger to the opposition, but she is wary of the latest flare-up in public resentment. 'A street protest is not a grocery store,' she
says. 'You go there to demand your freedom, not to ask for more sausage on your plate.'
If the recent demonstrations do manage to topple the government, Novodvorskaya says it will likely be the Communists who seize power, or some
other authoritarian force. Such parties are best placed, she says, to promise handouts and paternalism, the things that people want at a time of
financial crisis. 'We've played that bloody game with the Bolsheviks before, and the motives behind these protests are again material. These
people don't want to hear about free market capitalism and European integration. These are foreign notions here, and they will support anyone
still capable of throwing them a bone. Don't be confused. The government still has bones to throw.'
Kaliningrad's transport tax, for instance, has been called off for this year, and Russia can afford it: the state is still reaping massive
profits from the sale of oil and gas. The broader economy is also recovering, and even though Putin's initial reaction to the protests showed
some signs of dismay, Mitrokhin is far from certain that the government is afraid. 'It amazes me,' he says. 'People are screaming for him to get
out but there is no sense that he is trying to reform or justify himself. He feels his own strength. If needed, he knows he can rig the next
elections, or carry out such a massive PR campaign that the people will love him again.. It's naive to think he will cave.'
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March 5, 2010
Putin's Old Nemesis Speaks Out After Decade Of Silence
By Anastasia Kirilenko
PSKOV OBLAST, Russia -- Marina Salye has been a small but persistent thorn in Vladimir Putin's side for nearly two decades.
As a local lawmaker in St. Petersburg in the early 1990s, she pushed for Putin's resignation as the city's deputy mayor after implicating him in
a multimillion-dollar kickback scheme. Years later, as Putin was assuming the presidency in early 2000, Salye made international headlines when
she revived those allegations, documenting them with material from her legislative investigation.
And then, suddenly, she went silent, disappearing from public view and retiring to a remote house in the country.
Salye resurfaced again this week, telling RFE/RL's Russian Service in an interview at her modest dacha in Russia's western Pskov Oblast that she
went into hiding 10 years ago because she feared for her life.
'I have everything in my files,' Salye says, adding that she thought to herself, 'They're going to kill me.' [My sister] Natasha was very
frightened about this.'
'Metals For Food'
A fierce, feisty, and plain-speaking veteran of the perestroika-era democracy movement, Salye, who is now 75 years old, began her investigation
into Putin back in 1992, when St. Petersburg was reeling from the economic shocks of the breakup of the Soviet Union.
Food production had completely broken down, store shelves were empty, rationing was in effect, and there were legitimate fears of widespread
hunger in Russia's second city, where memories of the Nazi blockade of the city in World War II were still strongly felt.
As deputy mayor in charge of foreign investment and trade, Putin came up with a scheme to ship $122 million in raw materials, including rare and
precious metals, abroad in exchange for food. To carry out the plan, Putin signed deals with 19 companies to act as middlemen. Salye says the
deals looked shady from the start, and in the end did nothing to alleviate the food shortage:
'Agreements were concluded with God knows what kind of companies,' Salye says. 'These companies were clearly set up for temporary, one-off
purposes. And licenses were given to these companies by the St. Petersburg Committee for External Economic Relations, which was headed by Putin.
Either he or his deputy signed the licenses. They had no right to give out those licenses. The metals then were shipped abroad. And the food
never arrived.'
Somebody clearly got rich off the scheme. And a famished city grew hungrier, and lost tens of millions of dollars in the process.
At the time, Salye chaired a committee in the local legislature responsible for food distribution, leading friends and allies to affectionately
refer to her as 'Baba Yeda,' or 'the Food Lady.' When she got wind of what was soon dubbed the 'metals-for-food scandal,' she launched an
investigation that concluded Putin acted illegally and called for his ouster.
A Rising Star
But Putin was neither fired nor prosecuted. The outcry eventually fizzled out, and Putin's career flourished. He took a series of jobs in
President Boris Yeltsin's Kremlin, and was named head of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in 1998. In August 1999, Yeltsin appointed Putin as
prime minister -- and anointed him as his chosen successor to the presidency.
The St. Petersburg corruption allegations were long forgotten by this time. But just one day before Yeltsin would shock the world by resigning
the presidency on New Year's Eve -- catapulting Putin into the Kremlin -- a journalist came knocking on Salye's door.
'A correspondent from NTV came to my office on December 30 and started asking me questions about the [metals-for-food] case,' Salye says. 'This
was December 30, 1999. And on December 31, when Yeltsin made his announcement, I understood what was going on.'
At the time, NTV was a privately owned television station and a staunch opponent of Putin. They aired a report about the eight-year-old scandal
featuring their interview with Salye. Soon thereafter, foreign journalists began calling on her. Suddenly, Salye recalls, her once-obscure
investigation into Russia's newly minted head of state had won a global audience.
'After this I became a world media star,' Salye says. 'It was very serious. After New Year's and throughout January, people from the world's
leading media organizations were hounding me.'
A Frightening Sight
But with the exposure came danger. Salye says she was never directly threatened. And she denied widespread rumors that she received an ominous
telegram from Putin wishing her 'good health and the opportunity to use it.'
Salye says, however, that she decided she needed to lie low after receiving a fright while visiting a colleague, State Duma Deputy Sergei
Yushenkov, with whom she was hoping to forge a political alliance in the early part of 2000.
'We were going to cooperate politically. I always had good relations with Sergei Nikolayevich,' Salye says. 'When I came to his office, I saw a
person there who I didn't want to see anytime, anyplace, under any circumstances. I'm not going to reveal his name. But I then understood it was
time to go. And Sergei Nikolayevich was soon killed.'
Yushenkov, who later would investigate a suspicious series of apartment bombings in Moscow and other cities in the autumn of 1999, was shot and
killed in April 2003. Critics allege that the bombings, which the Kremlin blamed on Chechen rebels, were used by the Kremlin as a pretext to
invade the rebel region.
Salye would not elaborate on why the unidentified person she saw in Yushenkov's office frightened her so much. But it has been enough to cause
her to remain sequestered in a remote village in the Pskov region for the past 10 years.
RFE/RL correspondent Brian Whitmore contributed to this report from Prague
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New York Times
March 6, 2010
A Writer Invites Russia to Engage Its Painful Past
NOT long ago, Yelena S. Chizhova was engaged in what has become a standard winter pastime for Russia's middle class: taking the sun at a giant
resort hotel in Egypt. She and a girlfriend, who also grew up in St. Petersburg, joined the river of people flowing into the warehouse-size
dining hall, its tables heaped with steaming meat and pastries.
And then something passed over them like a shadow. The women felt so uneasy that they had to step away for a moment, and Ms. Chizhova asked her
friend what she was thinking about. But she did not need to ask. What the two women had in common was relatives who starved in the 872-day siege
of Leningrad, as St. Petersburg was then known, when army engineers set off explosives in the fields and shoveled corpses into the craters.
For a moment, Ms. Chizhova had the strange feeling that she was seeing the piles of food through the eyes of her dying relatives. Born in 1958,
she learned the official version of the siege from Soviet textbooks, which cast it as a patriotic triumph. The truly terrible facts sifted down
to her when she eavesdropped on her mother and great-grandmother, who lost most of their family in the siege, as they talked quietly over cups of
These snatches of conversation are at the core of her novel, 'Time of Women,' which won last year's Russian Booker Prize, the country's most
prestigious literary award. Ms. Chizhova tells the story of three elderly women raising a small girl in a communal apartment in the early 1960s,
where the ordinary business of dishes and laundry is interrupted by memories of purges and famine.
It is an earthbound and frankly emotional novel, especially in a literary scene long dominated by the cerebral trickery of postmodernism. Ms.
Chizhova is hoping that Russian artists are ready A finally A to address the good and evil of the Soviet past. Under Brezhnev, people averted
their eyes from that past out of fear; under Vladimir V. Putin, she said, it was replaced by apathy. 'For the vast majority of people, it simply
is not interesting,' said Ms. Chizhova, 52, who smokes and talks with the energy of a coiled spring. 'They do not have the feeling that history
continues. It seems to them that in the 1990s, we just started over. As if we were all born then.'
But St. Petersburg is a city where blotting out history is difficult. Ms. Chizhova's mother watched two brothers die of hunger while profiteers
were taking fistfuls of gold jewelry in exchange for bread. Her father was forced into a detachment of irregular fighters who were sent against
German tanks in groups of five, provided with only one rifle. Neither would have dreamed of explaining this to their daughter. But Ms. Chizhova's
great-grandmother was different; she turned over the memories absently, almost as if she was talking to herself. When Ms. Chizhova, then 5,
recited a poem about cannibals in Africa, her great-grandmother explained matter-of-factly how the starving residents of Leningrad resorted to
eating bodies.
'I would ask, 'Where did they get it?' ' Ms. Chizhova said. 'For me it was like a fairy tale. She said some of them bought it in the market,
thinking it was just meat. And then she would explain that when she worked in the hospital, they would store the bodies near the hospital gates,
and by the time they went home in the evening, some of the soft parts were cut off.
'She would talk about that calmly,' she said. 'And I heard it calmly.'
THOUGH the conversations stopped abruptly when Ms. Chizhova turned 6, they had already engraved something on her. When her teachers told her,
'All Leningrad, like one person, stood in defense of the city,' her private thought was: It was a crime not to evacuate the children. And 40
years later, the insistent voices of old women began to declaim in Ms. Chizhova's head, and she sat down to write a novel.
A slender 95 pages, told in a sometimes cryptic stream of conversation, 'Time of Women' was not favored to win the Booker Prize, and some critics
dripped contempt. Summing up the books of the year for the magazine Literaturnaya Rossiya, Kirill Ankudinov sneered at 'literature sitting on
grandmother's trunk and becoming drunk on memories of how well people behaved under Brezhnev,' and Yevgeny Yermolin bemoaned the popularity of
'cemetery erotica.'
There is no question that the past is exerting a pull on Russian art. All the novels short-listed for the prize vibrated with the feel of the
20th century, noted Elena Dyakova, a critic at the newspaper Novaya Gazeta.
'AFTER the period of post-modernism, people are searching for some moral bearings, and it's easiest to find that in the lives of your own
grandmothers,' she said. 'Theoretically, we consider that there are no decent people in Russia, but empirically, we can show that they used to
exist, in any case.'
So it is with Ms. Chizhova's fictional grandmothers, hardly dissident types, who find themselves at war with the Soviet system as they struggle
to keep the girl, Sonia, who is mute, out of a state home for the handicapped. At a moment of despair, knowing too well the bleak life that
awaits Sonia in state custody, one of them tries to prepare her.
'You may be locked up and we may not be allowed to see you,' the grandmother whispers fiercely to the girl. 'You will have to manage alone. But
you should know A wherever you are locked up A I am with you. Any day I am outside the fence. I will keep walking as long as God gives me life.
You may not see me, but you should remember A my granny is there.'
Last month, Ms. Chizhova was still adjusting to her victory, raising her eyebrows when a stranger called to invite her to join his literary
circle. ('Now that I have won a prize,' she remarked dryly, 'it seems I have changed a great deal.') As the Soviet Union began to fall, she
bounced from an economics department A her thesis was on regulated costs in machine-tool building enterprises A to English instruction to the
wobbly business world of the 1990s. The last bounce took place on a burning cruise ship off the coast of Turkey, when she spent six hours shut in
her cabin, waiting to see if help would come.
'I sat by myself and tried to answer the question of what would be better A to explode or to throw myself into the sea,' said Ms. Chizhova, who
is married and has two grown daughters. 'I understood that I had done a lot in my life, but none of it was right. And when we were saved, I
decided to throw it all away and sit and write.'
That was 1996. Since then she has written for six hours a day without weekends or vacations, producing five novels, three of them finalists for
the Booker Prize. It is not surprising, given this, that she speaks about her work with moral urgency. History repeats itself in Russia, she
said, the same evils appear in new guises, and failing to study it means repeating terrible mistakes. But her tone softens and blurs when she is
asked whether her novel is political.
'If I am honest, I wrote it for those who died,' she said. 'I wrote it for them. I was speaking with them. I always had the feeling that they
were listening to me.'
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One Russia leader urges Moscow mayor not to put up Victory Day Stalin posters
Moscow, 5 March: Boris Gryzlov, the State Duma speaker and chairman of One Russia's Supreme Council, has strongly recommended that his party
colleague Moscow mayor Yuriy Luzhkov change the decision of the mayor's office to put up posters with portraits of Stalin (in Moscow) to mark the
65th anniversary of Victory (in World War II).
'Yuriy Mikhailovich Luzhkov should reconsider his decision. He is not a historian, but the leader of a city,' Gryzlov told journalists on Friday
(5 March), noting that the capital's city hall has not changed its decision to put up such posters, despite criticism from the public.
This case is not about a historical, but a political assessment of Stalin. 'And this assessment cannot be positive,' Gryzlov said.
As for the moral assessment, he added, then there is nothing at all to argue about here. 'Stalin is guilty of the deaths of millions of people,'
he said.
Gryzlov said he had already expressed his opinion on this issue and it had not changed. 'One cannot talk about the 'proportionality' of the
contribution of Stalin compared with the contribution of the whole people to the victory. Not all portraits from history textbooks should adorn
the streets and squares of our cities,' Gryzlov added.
Everyone knows that victory was achieved through the feats of tens of millions of people, thanks to the lives of our fathers and grandfathers, he
'The posters that have not yet been put out but which have stirred up a row will hardly eclipse the historical memory about who played the main
role in the Great Patriotic War (USSR's war against Nazi Germany 1941-45),' Gryzlov said. 'Why do some still think that the image of Stalin will
preserve the memory of victory and adorn the city?' he added.
'At least our party won't go out on celebratory rallies with these posters,' he concluded.
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BBC Monitoring
Rights officials, One Russia oppose plans for Stalin posters in Moscow
Ekho Moskvy News Agency
March 5, 2010
Russian human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin has called for the Moscow authorities not to spoil Victory Day and to give up their plans to put up
posters of Joseph Stalin in Moscow on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of victory in the World War II, or the Great Patriotic War as it is
known in Russia (the USSR's war against Nazi Germany from 1941-45), Gazprom-owned, editorially independent Ekho Moskvy news agency reported on 5
'This historical topic is inexhaustible. It deserves discussion at serious conferences but in a completely different manner than poster wars on
the streets of Moscow during a great holiday,' Lukin told Ekho Moskvy radio.
'There are various means of being engaged in politics. One is to turn it into the politics of celebrating the Great Victory (on 9 May). And
another is to ascertain the truth. To ascertain the truth on the squares and streets of Moscow during the anniversary of the Great Patriotic War
is ridiculous and absolutely unjustified. This, of course, will spill over into political demonstrations,' Lukin noted.
In this case, he's sure that 'the holiday will be spoiled. I, like many other citizens of Moscow, don't want it to be spoiled'.
For her part, head of the Council for Promoting the Development of the Institutions of Civil Society and Human Rights under the Russian President
Ella Pamfilova has said that putting up posters of Stalin in Moscow will be a political mistake, corporate-owned Interfax news agency reported on
the same day.
'If at the celebration of the Great Victory, which the Soviet people, soldiers and officers, achieved at huge cost, serious emphasis is made on
the role of Stalin, then this could be the biggest political mistake,' Pamfilova said.
She noted that Russia is making great efforts so that the world does not forget about the role of the Soviet people in the victory over fascism
nor about the losses which the country suffered.
'Russia suffers painfully when they try to belittle this role. And if the celebration of the Great Victory is associated with the elevation of
Stalin's role, then this will not only hit modern Russia's authority but will also lead to nothing in our efforts to restore historical justice.
There is great likelihood that the whole of the civilized world could turn aways from us,' Pamfilova said.
She reported that the Council under the Russian president has sent a letter to the Moscow authorities so that they explain why they are planning
to put up posters of Stalin in the city.
'These plans have provoked wide resonance; many citizens are appealing to us,' Pamfilova said.
Meanwhile the leadership of One Russia does not approve of the Moscow authorities' plans either, the party's press service has reported.
'The One Russia party does not support the decision by (Moscow mayor) Yuriy Mikhaylovich Luzhkov to decorate Moscow with portraits of Stalin on
the threshold of the 65th anniversary of Victory,' it says in the statement, state news agency RIA Novosti reported on the same day.
Secretary of the presidium of the One Russia general council Vyacheslav Volodin emphasized that it is not a matter of a historical assessment of
this specific person but of a political and moral assessment.
'A political assessment of Stalin's role in history was given by his associates back in the last century. Historians should give a historical
one. As for a moral assessment, it is necessary to respect the feelings and opinions of a huge number of people, whose families suffered as a
result of Stalin's repressions,' Volodin said, as quoted by the party's press service.
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The Sunday Times (UK)
March 7, 2010
The sober truth behind Boris Yeltsin's drinking problem
Mark Franchetti in Moscow
THE daughter of Boris Yeltsin, the former Russian president, has spoken for the first time of his drinking problem, saying it was brought on by
the pressures he endured as the leader of a country undergoing momentous change.
Tatyana Yumasheva, Yeltsin's younger daughter who worked as his closest Kremlin aide for four years, said drinking was his 'safety valve' but his
portrayal in the West as a drunk was unfair and wrong.
'There was an alcohol problem but I think that when my father did drink it was because of the enormous stress he was under,' said Yumasheva in
her first foreign media interview.
'No other country has undergone such tumultuous change in so short a time as Russia did under Yeltsin.
'Many in the West have a caricatured image of Yeltsin, a larger-than-life character for whom drinking was a way of life. That's absolutely
'It's unfair, biased and unacceptable to look at Yeltsin's presidency and its many achievements exclusively through this very narrow prism. It
should be assessed in its entirety. He was the leader of a great country who did much for his nation.'
Yumasheva, now 50, joined Yeltsin's election team in 1996 to help him win a second term in the Kremlin. She stayed on as his most trusted adviser
until he resigned four years later to be replaced by Vladimir Putin, his chosen successor.
She and Yeltsin's chief of staff, Valentin Yumashev, whom she later married, played an important role in propelling Putin to power.
Notoriously media shy, Yumasheva has not been involved in politics since her father's resignation, but she recently broke a 10-year silence by
starting a blog which has fast become one of the most widely read on the Russian internet. She and her husband remain exceptionally well
connected among Moscow's business and political elites.
They are close friends of Roman Abramovich, the billionaire owner of Chelsea football club. Yumashev's daughter by his first wife is married to
Oleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch. He famously hosted Lord Mandelson, then Europe's trade commissioner, on his yacht, the Queen K, off Corfu
in August 2008.
In her office in a pre-revolutionary mansion where she heads the Yeltsin Fund, sponsoring charities and sports organisations, Yumasheva talked
about one of her father's most embarrassing moments. It was in 1994, during his first term, that he became inebriated during a visit to Berlin,
grabbed a conductor's baton and energetically directed his brass band.
'We all worried terribly when there were such incidents, especially my mother,' Yumasheva said. 'They were unpleasant and of course it would have
been better if they had not happened, even if we could understand him from a human point of view.'
'He felt great stress because of the huge responsibility that lay on his shoulders and the very tense political situation he faced inside the
country with enormous opposition to the reforms he was trying to push through. I often wonder how he physically managed to cope with the strain.
He was in charge of a huge country with nuclear weapons on the verge of collapse. It was scary. At times drinking was probably the only way of
alleviating the stress, a safety valve.'
Yumasheva added that it was deeply unfair that the media should broadcast such images repeatedly while ignoring footage of the many international
summits at which Yeltsin distinguished himself. 'They do so because it's a clichA(c) which sells,' she said.
In 1994 Yeltsin, who died three years ago aged 76, failed to emerge from his plane at Shannon airport during a flight from the United States to
Moscow. Rumours circulated that he was too drunk to meet the Irish delegation waiting on the runway. Yumasheva confirmed that Yeltsin had
suffered a heart attack on the plane but had refused to say so publicly.
The president underwent heart surgery in 1996, after which he never drank more than an occasional glass of red wine, Yumasheva said.
She rubbished claims attributed last year to Bill Clinton, the former American president, that during a trip to Washington Yeltsin had been found
in the street, wearing only his underpants, after apparently trying to hail a taxi so he could buy a pizza. 'That simply never happened,' she
A strong-willed reformist with acute political instincts, Yeltsin won international plaudits as a democrat when, soon after becoming president of
Russia, he bravely stood on a tank in Moscow in 1991 to denounce a hard-line communist coup aimed at overthrowing Mikhail Gorbachev, the last
leader of the Soviet Union.
Yumasheva, a mother of three, regrets the lack of understanding in the West of Russia's predicament at the time her father came to power: 'The
economy was completely destroyed. All state institutions had to be rebuilt from scratch. People's mentality was still steeped in communist
'Briefly there was optimism. People thought we'd soon live like other western countries, rich, free and democratic. But the reform process was
far more painful than expected.'
She said Yeltsin had had no realistic option but to privatise state assets A a deeply unpopular move as it enriched a small group of businessmen.
He could either have pushed through privatisation or watched the economy collapse, she said: 'The state had no money, oil prices were in the
doldrums. Where were we supposed to raise money?'
Yumasheva also defended Yeltsin's controversial decision in 1993 to fire tank shells at the Russian parliament, ending a tense standoff with
armed die-hard communists opposed to his market reforms who had barricaded themselves inside the building. She said that communists and democrats
were ready to take up arms against each other over Russia's political direction and argued that Yeltsin's show of force prevented a bloody civil
She described it as one of the hardest moments of Yeltsin's presidency, together with his decision to launch the war in Chechnya.
Many Russians ridiculed Yeltsin when he made Putin, then almost unknown, his prime minister in 1999. Yumasheva said her father had been impressed
by his 'strong character, his managerial skills, the quality of his reports, his level-headed approach to complex problems and his sense of
responsibility'. Putin, now again prime minister, became hugely popular and served two terms as president.
For the first time she disclosed that her father was upset by some of Putin's policies. She said he had been unhappy that Putin had reintroduced
the Soviet-era national anthem, cancelled regional elections and clamped down on the media. 'My father firmly believed that elections and a free
press are an essential part of a democratic system,' said Yumasheva.
'He told Putin and spoke his mind when he didn't agree. But he also felt he shouldn't interfere; that, as the new president, Putin had a right to
make his own decisions.'
Despite Putin's authoritarian policies, Yeltsin never regretted his choice of political heir. Russia's support for Putin had brought stability
and peace to the country, she said.
'Yeltsin should go down in history,' Yumasheva added, 'as the first president who set Russia on a new course, overseeing a monumental change from
a communist, totalitarian country to a civilised and democratic one which has a future, despite all its difficulties. It was Yeltsin who put
Russia on this path and changed its direction. It's a change that is now irreversible. There's no way back; that's his greatest achievement.'
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Unemployment Continues to Grow
Vremya Novostey
March 2, 2010
Article by Vyacheslav Kozlov: Unemployed Cannot Be Stopped. The number of registered unemployed persons in Russia is approaching the critical
Official unemployment in Russia continues to grow despite the confident statements of government officials to the effect that 'the situation is
under control.' According to the latest monitoring by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud), in the past week the number of
unemployed Russians registered with employment services grew by 1 percent, reaching almost 2.3 million people. In the opinion of experts, if the
labor market curve continues to rise at such a rate, the most negative predictions -- to the effect that the level of latent and registered
unemployment will reach the 'critical mark' of 8-9 million people in the nearest future -- will come true. And people who have been in a
'suspended state' for several months, without the possibility of employment, will have nothing left to do but to take to the streets, presenting
political demands, among others, to the authorities.
The latest labor market monitoring data, announced yesterday by the Minzdravsotsrazvitiye (Ministry of Health and Social Development) press
service, have identified a negative tendency toward growth of unemployment, which has been seen for the fifth week in a row. Altogether since the
start of 2010, the number of unemployed citizens in the country increased by approximately 1.5 percent a week. The results of polls conducted by
the Federal Service for Statistics (Rosstat) - which, unlike Rostrud, also takes into consideration the so-called latent unemployment - also do
not instill optimism. According to their statistical data, in January alone the overall number of unemployed persons in Russia increased by 10
percent, and comprised 6.8 million people (9.2 percent of the country's economically active population). And, judging by the dynamic, this figure
will continue to grow.
At the same time, in publicizing their statistics, Minzdravsotsrazvitiye officials are placing the emphasis on comparing the rates of growth in
unemployment with last year's: At the beginning of 2009, the army of those who had lost their jobs increased by an average of 3.8 percent per
week. But, based on the number of persons registered with the employment services, we have already reached last year's peak indicators, and have
not yet been able to break through this tendency. Despite the fact that government officials in charge of employment are demonstrating a rare
calm, the real state of affairs with employment of Russians sooner confirms the concern expressed by Dmitriy Medvedev, who in the course of a
recent meeting with the head of Minzdravsotsrazvitiye, Tatyana Golikova, called the problem of unemployment 'the main one in 2010.' 'Despite the
fact that we are seeing a decline in the economic crisis and there is an overall economic uplift, the nature of the crisis is such that, even
with this economic uplift, unemployment may increase,' the head of state expressed his concern. And even despite the fact that the minister had
tried to reassure the president, noting that 'a significant part of the regions have shown a positive employment dynamic in a few weeks,' Mr.
Medvedev asked the department and the regional administrations 'not to weaken attention to the labor market and to fulfillment of the program for
creating new jobs.'
The head of state's concern is entirely explicable, if we consider the fact that, in the near future, the prospect of overstepping the critical
boundary of 8-9 million unemployed persons, which many experts had announced at the beginning of the crisis, appears entirely probable. Moreover,
in the opinion of trade union representatives, unemployment is stimulated not only by the crisis and financial difficulties at enterprises, but
also by the actions of the authorities, and specifically the law enforcement agencies. As we know, the General Prosecutor's Office was mobilized
to answer for the stability of wage payments to Russia, and it began active persecution of employers who are in arrears to their employees.
'Thus, having encountered pressure from the authorities and not wanting to find themselves on various blacklists, a significant part of
enterprise owners repaid their debts by December,' the secretary of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR), Aleksandr
Shershukov, told Vremya Novostey. However, in Mr. Shershukov's opinion, a result of the reduction of wage debts sometimes becomes the
'optimization of production,' in the course of which companies simply laid off workers.
At the beginning of the year, the FNPR, whose experts had studied the plans for curtailing production presented by employers, publicized a
pessimistic prognosis: In the first 6 months of 2010, the growth of unemployment may comprise 10-15 percent. In the worst-case scenario, only
officially registered persons who had lost their jobs may number from 2.5 to 3 million by summer. 'And it is not even that this figure is
critical, but that people have a growing sense of hopelessness,' State Duma deputy from Just Russia and deputy chairman of the Committee on Labor
and Social Policy, Oleg Sheyin, explained to Vremya Novostey. In the deputy's opinion, such a depressing situation may motivate citizens to take
to the streets. 'If a person cannot find a job for 2 months -- that is one thing. But if he cannot find employment for 2 years - that is
something entirely different,' Mr. Sheyin says. At the same time, he notes that, this year, the problem of unemployment is much more acute than
it was last year, 'and it will be even worse as we go along.' 'The state is very actively eating up the accumulated reserves, and there may be no
money left for support of production and for freezing problems with unemployment. Without serious reforms, the problems will only grow,' the
deputy believes.
The head of the Center for Social Research of the RAN (Russian Academy of Sciences) Institute of Economics, Yevgeniy Gontmakher, also agrees that
the problem of employment cannot be solved by 'manual' methods, and that macroeconomic reforms are needed. 'Increasing subsidies, re-training
programs - all these are palliative measures. Serious reforms are needed. Unemployment will stop growing only when the state begins to combat it
through development of small and medium-scale business and through increasing the investment attractiveness of the Russian economy,' Mr.
Gontmakher noted in an interview with our Vremya Novostey correspondent. However, unlike Deputy Sheyin, he still does not see any reasons for
serious social tension. 'There will be nothing terrible, at least not in the nearest time. Social protests will begin not when the unemployment
figure goes beyond the critical mark, but if problems of employment are prolonged,' Yevgeniy Gontmakher believes.
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No state monopoly for alcohol in Russia
RYAZAN, March 5 (RIA Novosti)-The Russian government on Friday ruled out establishing a state monopoly for alcohol production, a first deputy
premier said.
'[A state monopoly for alcohol] means that we should buy out all private assets [in alcohol production] at market prices. But where will the
money come from?' Viktor Zubkov said.
'Even if we buy them out, what will we do next? The state can hardly be an efficient owner. Today, the government ruled against introducing a
state monopoly for alcohol,' he said.
A Just Russia, a quasi-opposition, essentially pro-Kremlin party, proposed last September a bill to introduce a state monopoly for alcohol in
Russia from January 1, 2011.
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The National (UAE)
March 7, 2010
In Russia, it pays to keep bureaucratic palms greased
Carl Schreck, Foreign Correspondent
MOSCOW // The law enforcement officers who showed up at Ivan Baranov's office told him he had paperwork problems. Delivery documents had been
improperly filled out, they said, meaning they could seize a shipment of consumer goods his company was expecting.
It was the type of bureaucratic hassle in Russia commonly solved on the spot with a bribe, a cash payout for the officers to drop the case
altogether. Mr Baranov, 37, says he was told it would take several million roubles (tens of thousands of dirhams) in fines and bribes to settle
the matter. Instead of paying up, however, Mr Baranov, the chief executive of the Vitomin chain of health stores, fought back. He got a lawyer
with an exceptional record in fending off similarly suspicious fines. The officers backed off.
'Every time we encounter problems with different [state] organisations, we always try to play this card,' Mr Baranov said of the lawyer he and
his partners hired as outside counsel. 'To show that we are strong, that we are ready to fight, and that we have experienced lawyers backing us.'
Doing business in Russian without paying bribes demands Herculean efforts and can involve considerable legal fees. Paralysing red tape and
unscrupulous competitors leave businesses vulnerable to corrupt officials and with little hope of redress in courts notoriously susceptible to
outside pressure.
There are no precise figures on the percentage of Russian businesses that pay bribes, though several studies and considerable anecdotal evidence
suggest Mr Baranov and his partners are among a minority committed to operating without paying off officials.
A 2008 survey commissioned by Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, and conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation, a Moscow-based pollster,
showed that 56 per cent of Russian businessmen pay bribes. Other polls have put the figure much higher, and a 2005 report by Indem, a Moscow
think tank, said Russian businesses pay more than $300 billion (Dh1.1 trillion) in bribes annually.
Mr Baranov, whose company had about $5 million in turnover last year, said his refusal to pay bribes is primarily an ethical stance but that it
is grounded in pragmatism as well. He said bluntly that he wants government inspectors and law enforcement officials to see Vitom's leaders as
tough people who cannot be squeezed for bribes. 'That reputation will pay off,' he said. 'I believe companies operating in the same way will have
less inspections and less troubles.'
The scourge of corruption in Russia has not escaped the attention of the Kremlin. Mr Medvedev has identified battling graft as a key plank of his
presidency, and while critics say there have been few tangible results since he was elected two years ago, last week he introduced legislation
that would boost protections for entrepreneurs against attacks from competitors and corrupt officials. The president has issued harsh rebukes
against officials who 'give businesses nightmares', a catchphrase he deploys to describe campaigns of bureaucratic bullying against
Small- and mid-sized businesses, such as Mr Baranov's, are most vulnerable to extortion from officials, business lobby groups say, but major
multinationals operating in Russia are by no means immune. Last month, the Swedish furniture giant Ikea fired two of its top officials in Russia,
including Per Kaufman, its general director in Russia, saying one of its subsidiaries had 'turned a blind eye' to a bribe paid to a subcontractor
to supply electricity at one of its malls in St Petersburg.
'We are deeply upset and disappointed,' Ikea Group's president and chief executive, Mikael Ohlsson, said in a statement. 'Corruption is totally
unacceptable for Ikea, and therefore we take this matter very seriously and will act fast and determined.'
Ikea has long insisted on operating absolutely legally in Russia, going so far as to announce last year that it was halting investment in the
country over 'the unpredictable nature of administrative procedures in some regions'.
Kirill Kabanov, the head of the National Anticorruption Committee, a Moscow-based non-governmental organisation, said the economic crisis has
exacerbated the situation for businesses pressured by officials to give bribes, as many firms rely more and more on government contracts. 'It's
almost impossible to do business with the state without giving kickbacks,' said Mr Kabanov, a member of Mr Medvedev's council for human rights
and civil society. 'They can't risk not paying the bribes if they want to stay in business.'
Refusing to pay bribes to low-level bureaucrats A like fire inspectors A is usually good business, said one US businessman who has worked for
more than a decade in Russia. 'If you pay them off one time, they are going to come back for more,' he said. 'For the most part you try to fight
it at every turn: take their name and title and create some fear that someone might come down on them.'
It is not uncommon, however, for a competitor or a disgruntled former employee to sick economic crime police units on a company, resulting in
inspections into all of a firm's transactions and even the licensing of its computers and software, the businessman said on condition of
anonymity. Such visits are considerably more precarious, he said.
'You could lose an entire day of work that costs you $20,000,' he said. 'They say they'll leave you alone if you pay them 500,000 roubles ..
Even if you're doing everything by the book, sometimes it just costs you less to pay them off.'
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March 7, 2010
What will save the Russian car industry?
By Konstantin Rozhnov
Business reporter, BBC News
Russia has decided to follow in the footsteps of some European countries and the US by introducing a car scrappage scheme in an attempt to save
the country's automotive industry.
Companies which make or assemble cars in Russia, such as Avtovaz, by far Russia's largest carmaker, are hoping that the scheme will bring a
turnaround in sales and business fortunes in the short-term.
But experts are sure that the scheme alone will not be enough to truly revive and modernise the Russian car industry.
There are a lot of additional factors which make the process of reforming the Russian car industry much more complicated than in many other
countries - among them, the misuse of budget funds and lack of a tradition of creating truly competitive cars.
Also, one of the biggest problems is that too many people are employed by crisis-hit companies, but the carmakers can't fire enough people.
Avtovaz, for example, has one of its plants in Togliatti, which is a typical 'monograd' - one-factory town depending on the wellbeing of a single
Huge job cuts would unavoidably lead to social unrests, which the Russian government have so eagerly been trying to avoid in any form since
Vladimir Putin came to power 10 years ago.
Price-quality ratio
For several years the Russian car market was the fastest growing in Europe.
In 2008 most experts were sure that by the end of the year it would overtake Germany to become the largest on the continent.
However, the global financial crisis led to a slump in demand, and in 2009 the Russian car market shrank by half.
At the beginning of 2010 sales continued falling, while serious worries persisted about the future of the whole industry, in particular ailing
Avtovaz, which makes Lada cars.
The market share of Avtovaz in Russia was about 70% just 10 years ago.
But after the period of rapid economic growth and the country's car market expansion the company was hit by a collapse in Lada's popularity among
The firm's market share dived to about 20%.
Foreign cars became much more affordable, as many leading global brands had opened assembly plants in Russia.
Price-quality ratio, which used to be Russian carmakers' main advantage for decades, has evaporated almost completely.
Consumers are increasingly interested in cost-saving cars which offer style, quality and affordability, says Steve Fowler, editor of What Car?
However, the whole idea of creating Avtovaz was based mostly on affordability alone. The carmaker was set up with Fiat's help in the 1960s.
Investment bank Renaissance Capital pointed out in its research note, published by Vedomosti business daily at the beginning of February, that
Russian carmakers were able to compete with foreign companies in price only but not in quality or reliability of their cars, 'which means their
market share will be shrinking gradually'.
Nikolay Kachurin, Top Gear Russia's editor-in-chief, says that Russian cars are many years behind an average European passenger car.
To some extent, though, this is an advantage for Avtovaz's relatively cheap and really dated Lada Classic models - it is much easier and cheaper
to conduct repair works on them in your own backyard in comparison with more modern cars.
Matter of reputation
One of the questions debated by industry analysts is whether Russia really needs to have its own car brands.
Mr Fowler believes that there is nothing wrong when a country does not have its own models.
'But I'm British,' he adds, meaning that in the UK the situation has been like that for many years. All mass production car plants in the country
are owned by foreign companies.
However, Nikolay Kachurin, Top Gear Russia's editor-in-chief disagrees.
In his opinion, a country as big as Russia, with its huge industrial potential, needs its own cars.
'If the country can make really good tanks, why can't they make quite a competitive car?' he says.
'It is a matter of reputation, but Russia needs it.'
New reality
Interestingly, for decades Russia's carmakers have been showing lots of concept cars at different industry events, but many years later only
several of them were turned into models being sold to consumers.
A lack of investment has been the main problem for the companies.
'They had no funds to turn their concept cars into mass-production models. They are still implementing five-10 year-old plans,' says Dmitry
Belkin, an automotive industries expert from the Prime-Tass news agency.
Meanwhile, as Mr Fowler points out, 'it is becoming increasingly fast to make a concept car', and there are about 480 models available now in the
Mr Kachurin believes that there are enough good Russian engineers and designers in the car industry.
But, he adds, the lack of money does not let the engineering projects be turned into mass-production models, causing the best Russian designers
to flee to foreign companies in order to see their ideas brought to life.
As Mr Fowler says: 'Developing a car from scratch costs billions of dollars.'
Besides, it seems Avtovaz does not have a lot of time to modernise its model list, because its foreign competitors have already been developing
new cheaper budget cars amid the recent economic crisis and new environmental principles.
Global partnerships
Experts agree that the Russian car market remains attractive in the long-term for both current and potential investors, as the number of cars per
person in the country is much lower than in the West.
Most analysts believe that a combination of well-controlled government investment and the working scrappage scheme might help revive the market.
There is also a wide consensus that the best way for the Russian companies to move forward is to use know-how provided by their foreign partners.
One of the best and recent examples of successful global partnerships is Dacia Logan, a car made by Renault and its Romanian subsidiary Dacia.
Last autumn, the French carmaker agreed to expand its involvement in Avtovaz. Among other steps, Renault is likely to provide its budget model as
the platform to change Lada's fortunes.
To some extent, this development might please those who want Russian companies to produce their own branded cars.
At the same time, it is in line with the global business trend of joining forces.
'At the end of the day that is exactly what has been happening [in the Russian market],' says Mr Belkin.
'We are getting to the place where the whole world has already go to.'
As Mr Fowler points out, even BMW and Mercedes have been trying to work together on some projects - something impossible just several years ago.
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Primakov Puts Forth Initiative To Create CIS Unified Centre Of Innovations
MOSCOW, March 5 (Itar-Tass) -- President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Yevgeny Primakov has put forth an initiative to create a
unified centre of innovations in the member-countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
'Modernisation and introduction of innovative technologies should be in the focus of economic development for the CIS member-countries,' he said,
addressing a forum of the CIS business leaders, entitled 'Innovations - Development Strategy.'
With this in mind, Primakov reminded a series of steps taken to this effect by the leadership of the CIS countries.
At the same time, 'there is no fair mechanism for the implementation of the aforesaid decisions,' he said.
'Now, the tasks that face us is to introduce innovations, and those tasks should be resolved at both national and interstate levels,' Primakov
stressed, adding that innovative enterprises should be supported specifically.
'The governments should intensify their activities to promote interest of private business in innovations,' he said, adding, 'It necessary to
draw small and medium business to the use of those technologies, to decrease taxes and work out soft-lending systems.'
'It is clear that it is a complicated, but necessary task in the crisis conditions,' he said.
'The share of companies, which are actively implementing innovative technologies, is at least ten percent in Russia. In the biggest part of the
CIS member countries, the index is smaller, while it is more than 50 percent in the world,' the president of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry said.
Primakov pointed to the need to work out a legal basis for the innovative activity. In his words, 'it is of big necessity to set up an innovative
technology glossary.'
'As a whole, I believe it is expedient to institute a CIS unified centre of innovations, which will guarantee transferring of technologies and
exchange of information,' he stated.
According to Primakov, 'the creation of a unified innovative area jointly with the unified customs space may become an important component in the
promotion of the CIS reform.'
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Russia does not view former Soviet Union as 'chessboard' - foreign minister
March 5, 2010
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has told a CIS economic forum that 'attempts to portray historical relationships between the states in the
area of the former Soviet Union in the light of the 19th-century-styled struggle for 'spheres of influence' is absurd', Russian state ITAR-TASS
news agency reported on 5 March.
Said Lavrov: 'We do not view this space as a chessboard to play geopolitical games. This is a civilization area common for all the peoples living
there that keeps our historical and spiritual heritage.'
'Integration processes in the Commonwealth (of Independent States) space are coming naturally and realize this great potential of joint
responsibility for our common future,' he added. 'Development of bilateral and multi-directional cooperation with the member states of the
Commonwealth is the absolute priority for Russia that is codified in the updated foreign policy conception approved by President Dmitriy Medvedev
in July 2008. It cannot be any other way if we are talking about relations with friendly, close countries located on the perimeter of Russia's
Lavrov said that 'it would not be outrageous to demand that all external players coordinate their policy in the CIS space in order to maintain
stability there,' but added that 'it would be hard for some as they will have to give up the ideological postulates and myths of the past and
agree to a more carefully thought-out approach to the recent and more distant past'.
Lavrov went on to say that 'any geopolitical projects by external powers in our common space lead to destabilization as they replace pragmatism
and common sense policy which takes real national interests into account'.
He compared NATO enlargement and European Union's Eastern Partnership initiative to struggle for 'spheres of influence' and expressed hope that
'it will be conducted in a transparent manner, take the realities of the region into account and not contradict our countries' collective efforts
on current social and economic development issues'.
A later report by the same news agency quoted Lavrov as saying that the 'model of multi-level and multi-speed integration that is established in
the Commonwealth space and, correspondingly, a multitude of formats of integration require the development of rational formula for these
relationships. It appears that they have to be complementary in character.'
Lavrov stressed the need to join integration processes in different formats so as to prevent artificial borderlines in Europe and Eurasia. He
added that this is particularly urgent since the European Union increased its activity in the CIS: 'We expect our European partners to follow the
existing agreements so that the integration processes in the various regions of Greater Europe would not be go in opposite directions.'
Lavrov noted that the CIS and Eurasian Economic Community have played a role in countering the recent financial crisis and that development of
integration could serve as insurance against possible new crises. Russia 'approaches the integration pragmatically, thinking that it has to be
built on the principles of mutual benefit,' Lavrov said. 'It is important for its main driving force to be real economic interests,' he added.
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Russian general predicts problems with START ratification
Moscow, 5 March: A Russian-US follow-on treaty to START will be signed but there could be problems with its ratification, Yuriy Baluyevskiy,
deputy secretary of Russia's Security Council, has said.
'I'm convinced that the follow-on treaty to START will be signed but it will also have to be ratified. And that won't be all that easy either in
the US or, I dare say, in Russia,' Baluyevskiy told an international conference in Moscow on Friday (5 March).
'Both over here and over there (in Russia and the US), the taxpayer wants to know whether this treaty will really bring about any new progress as
part of the reduction and elimination of excessive nuclear armaments,' Baluyevskiy, Russia's former chief of the General Staff, added.
Russia, he went on to say, is concerned that first, the US partners at the negotiations talk about a linkage between strategic defensive arms and
strategic offensive arms, but then say: Hold on, we did not mean to say that. 'Let us play fair,' Baluyevskiy said.
'Since nuclear weapons began to be made,' Baluyevskiy noted, 'we have produced more than 100,000 strategic munitions. Is that not too much for
humankind?' 'Our principle is that national security is ensured on the basis of the minimum possible nuclear potential. Our principle is based on
nuclear deterrence, on the fact that Russia rejects nuclear or any other conflict,' Baluyevskiy underlined.
(Work on the new treaty 'is not proceeding very smoothly', Baluyevskiy admitted, as reported by the Russian state news agency ITAR-TASS on the
same subject (ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1206 gmt 5 Mar 10). This report contained the text of his remarks on the linkage issue.
'I don't understand why yesterday the US agreed with some provisions in the draft treaty, but then rejected them,' the general noted. 'In
particular, this concerns the issue of a linkage between missile defence systems and strategic offensive arms,' he said.)
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Russian general takes issue with US missile defence plan, NATO expansion
March 5, 2010
Yuriy Baluyevskiy, deputy secretary of Russia's Security Council and former chief of the General Staff, has questioned US missile defence plans
and NATO's expansion.
'The US has not given up on the third positional missile defence area but has changed its plans in favour of a more advanced, mobile and less
costly version,' Baluyevskiy told an international conference in Moscow, as reported by the corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax on 5
March. 'The question is: What for? There are many possible answers,' he said. 'The haste with which this is being done does not reflect the risks
posed by Iran and North Korea,' he said.
NATO expansion
As for NATO's expansion, Russia, he said, is concerned not so much about that in itself as about the encroachment of its military infrastructure
close to Russia's borders, Interfax reported separately. He also said that Russia did not want a confrontation with NATO.
'It is not NATO's expansion that we are afraid of. We are not making a tragedy out of it. What is of concern is that NATO's military
infrastructure is getting closer to Russia's borders, as well as that the alliance is being given global functions,' he told the same conference.
However, Russia, he said, has no desire for a confrontation with NATO. 'It would be crazy today to have a confrontation with NATO, with its 900
million people, 13 per cent of Earth's population and 45 per cent of the world's GDP,' as he put it.
Smart, nuclear weapons
Baluyevskiy also said that Russia was unable to compete with the US arsenal of high-precision weapons, Interfax said in another report.
'The US is the most powerful state militarily and in terms of its possession of this type of weapons. We are well aware that in the foreseeable
future, there is likely to be no comparison between Russia's possession and development of such weapons, and the US,' he told the same
conference. 'However, we reserve the right to perfect and employ these high-precision weapons,' he added.
'He also said that Russia possesses nuclear weapons and reserves the right to use them, but the conditions of their use are strictly defined,'
the report ran. 'The role of Russia's nuclear weapons as guarantor of national defence and security is defined openly and unequivocally,'
Baluyevskiy said.
Russia's assessment, he also said, is that the number of states in possession of nuclear weapons will increase, Interfax reported separately.
'The Russian Federation's national security strategy contains this thesis: The number of states in possession of nuclear weapons will increase.
That is our assessment, the Russian Federation's assessment, with which you can agree or argue,' he told the conference.
'Baluyevskiy said that although the members of the nuclear club realize that their vast nuclear potentials have no future, no-one is about to
give up all their nuclear weapons,' the report ran. 'Let us be honest. Has a single state that is de jure or de facto in possession of nuclear
weapons given them up? No, none has done it,' he said.
US, Russian tactical nuclear arms
Negotiations on the destruction of tactical nuclear weapons are possible only after the US withdraws this type of weapons from Europe to its
national territory, Baluyevskiy also said, according to the corporate-owned Russian military news agency Interfax-AVN website.
'US nuclear weapons should be withdrawn from the territory of other countries. Then their reduction can be considered,' Baluyevskiy told the
Moscow conference.
The US, he said, is the only country in the world that has tactical nuclear weapons outside its national territory. 'He also noted that military
infrastructure with the capability to handle aircraft armed with strategic weapons is now being created and developed on the territory of the
Baltic states,' the report said.
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Russian expert calls for equal partnership with USA in ABM issues
March 6, 2010
The cooperation between Russia and the USA in the setting-up of a joint missile defence shield in Europe is hardly possible as long as the USA is
not treating Russia as an equal partner, Aleksandr Radchuk, advisor to the Chief of General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said at an
international conference on non-proliferation of nuclear arms in Moscow on 6 March, as reported by corporate-owned Russian military news agency
Interfax-AVN on the same day.
'Unfortunately, within the framework of the partnership our partners want to determine themselves the aims and the tasks of this system, its
architecture and even more, (they want to) manage it using when possible Russia's resources to the maximum,' Radchuk said.
He went on to say that cooperation implied joint work on the basis of common aims and interests. 'Such cooperation implies that each participant
presents real capabilities and the potential of the project and has equal rights to run the project and use the results of the activity in one's
interests without prejudice to the partner,' he said.
Each partner should have full information on the tactical and technical characteristics of the single ABM system in Europe. If both sides begin
to set it up, they should coordinate the implementation of the tasks and take part in the management and the combat use of the system and, if
needed, block unacceptable moves of the partners, Radchuk added.
'To all appearances, our partners understand the word cooperation in a slightly different way,' he said.
Radchuk suggested that the issue could be solved through non-military cooperation between Russia and the USA.
'In contrast to the years of the Cold War, when talks and cooperation in the sphere of strategic arms dragged cooperation in other fields like a
locomotive, today it is the other way round, cooperation in the peaceful sphere, in peaceful issues can give us an example of cooperation in such
a sensitive sphere as strategic offensive arms,' he said.
Radchuk also said that it was unlikely for Russia and the USA to create a joint ABM system in Europe. However, he said that it would be possible
to divide zones of responsibility, but only if there is a high level of trust between the countries and a single centre of information exchange
is created.
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Jamestown Foundation Eurasia Daily Monitor
March 5, 2010
Russia's Tactical Nuclear Weapons and Eurasian Security
By Jacob W. Kipp
Presidents Barrack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev have pledged to accelerate the negotiation of the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). The
new agreement would replace the treaty that lapsed on December 5, 2009. Progress in the US-Russian negotiations has been significant with the
working numbers for reduced offensive arsenals in the range of 1500-1675 for warheads and 500-1100 for strategic delivery systems. These numbers
are much lower than those contained in the expired START regime. Both Presidents Obama and Medvedev have spoken of this measure as a means to
increase strategic security and stability and strengthen the existing Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The issues that remain to be resolved before the Obama-Medvedev summit are not seen as precluding the signing of the treaty. Current discussions
suggest it may be signed in late March or April, with the ceremony held possibly in Prague. The Chief of the General Staff Army-General Nikolai
Makarov, confirmed the Russian military's support for the treaty, saying 'The talks on the treaty are very difficult, but we have reached an
understanding that the parties should take in to account each other's interests and should not infringe upon each other's defense capabilities in
any way,' adding: 'The treaty will be ready soon, and it will not infringe upon Russia's interests.' Unlike the May 2002 US-Russia Strategic
Offensive Reduction Treaty, signed by Presidents Bush and Putin, the new agreement will include verification measures based on earlier START
agreements (ITAR-TASS, February 24).
The choice of Prague as a possible venue represents Washington's desire to link this agreement with President Obama's proclaimed goal of
eliminating nuclear weapons in the twenty first century, which he delivered there in April 2009. Obama referred to nuclear weapons in general and
presented the problem of nuclear proliferation as a global issue. Progress on START has made the global connections of the various nuclear
arsenals more apparent and the problems associated with them much more immediate. This was apparent in the prominence given to reducing nuclear
weapons at the 46th annual International Conference on Security recently held in Munich. The US and Russian delegations agreed that reducing
global nuclear arsenals to zero was possible, but it would take time. Deputy Prime Minister, Sergei Ivanov, the senior Russian delegate in
Munich, addressed the issue as imperative: 'Although nuclear armament remains the backbone of the strategic deterrence system, it cannot be
viewed as a panacea against all threats and challenges. It can and should be liquidated.' Ivanov raised Moscow's concern over the recently
announced US decision to deploy missile defense systems in Romania. Ivanov stated that the signing of the START agreement would in all
probability lead to pressure to reduce US and Russian tactical nuclear arsenals. Ivanov pointed to the decision of Russia in the early 1990's to
withdraw such systems from combat units and to place them in central repositories, and noted that the US had not reciprocated (Rossiyskaya
Gazeta, February 8).
As Ivanov predicted, calls for reductions in tactical nuclear arsenals in Europe were quickly forthcoming. The Foreign Ministers of Sweden and
Poland, Karl Bildt and Radek Sikorski, appealed to Moscow and Washington to quickly and radically reduce tactical nuclear weapons in Europe.
Their proposal had a Baltic-Scandinavian focus, regarding Russian tactical weapons in Kaliningrad Oblast and the Kola Peninsula. The Russian
response was to express surprise at the uneven treatment of the US and Russian arsenals. Russia has already withdrawn its tactical nuclear
weapons to central repositories and deploys no such weapons in Kaliningrad Oblast. Unnamed Russian generals were cited as stating that Russia in
recent years has removed tactical nuclear weapons from the ground forces, reduced the tactical nuclear arsenal for the air force and air defense
forces by 60 percent, and on submarines by 30 percent. As far as the Kola Peninsula is concerned, Russian commentators noted that it was the base
of the Northern Fleet, which included naval units involved in Russia's strategic triad. They stated that tactical nuclear systems there were kept
in secure facilities and that Russia had no intention of withdrawing them. However, Moscow has not excluded the possibility of negotiating a
reduction in tactical nuclear arsenals. According to Colonel-General Vladimir Verkhovtsev, Chief of the 12th Directorate of the Ministry of
Defense, which has oversight of Russia's nuclear arsenal, it will seek to have the negotiations broadened to include British and French arsenals,
and take into account Russia's distinct situation in Eurasia (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, February 5).
Verkhovtsev's point about tactical nuclear weapons being part of Russia's deterrent is an explicit part of the new military doctrine. While that
document did not embrace the long-discussed notion of 'preventive nuclear strike,' it did endorse first use under certain conditions, including
deterrence of nuclear strikes and attacks by other means of mass destruction against Russia and its allies and in the case of conventional
aggression, which would pose a threat to the existence of the Russian state. Dmitry Litovkin addressed the issue of Russia's claim to the right
of a nuclear first strike in the context of the 2000 version of Russia's military doctrine which claimed a similar right against Russia's
declared primary threat, i.e., the US and NATO. But the context today is different, Litovkin points to Russian declaratory policy on nuclear
weapons to be a direct manifestation of the weakness of its conventional military power and questions whether the new military doctrine actually
supports to the efforts to give the armed forces a 'new look' (Izvestiya, February 8).
While the US and NATO expansion is once again declared to be the primary concerns in the new military doctrine, they are identified as opasnosti
(dangers) and not ugrozy (threats). Moreover, a new concern has appeared among the top four: 'territorial claims against the Russian Federation
and its allies, intervention in their internal affairs' (Voyenno Promyshlennyy Kuryer, February 17). These are direct threats to Russia and its
allies and can directly result in military aggression against the Russian state, as opposed to moves which might marginally affect the balance of
forces. The Russian elite avoid speaking about a threat or danger from China, but there are analysts who see the People's Republic of China as a
possible threat to which Russia could respond only with nuclear weapons. For the last two decades Russia has treated China as a strategic
partner, engaging in large-scale weapons sales. Yet, now Russian arms producers warn that in the area of aviation technology China acts like a
pirate state, counterfeiting Russian designs like the MiG-29 and the Sukhoi-27 and selling these copies (Izvestiya, February 17). Other Russian
authors have noted the deteriorating relations between the United States and China and are concerned that Russia might be drawn into a conflict
which would not be in its interests. Aleksandr Khramchikhin recently presented to his readers a scenario for a 'Second Korean War,' resulting
from tensions between North and South Korea and leading to the intervention of the United States and China, in which Beijing would be the only
possible winner. Khramchikhin avoided discussing explicitly the implications of such a conflict for Russia, but it is not difficult to imagine
its consequences, where China would expect and demand that Russia provide logistical and other support as a result of Russia's strategic weakness
in the Far East (Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie, February 4). Valentina Maltseva addressed the new military doctrine's treatment of nuclear
weapons and called the statement on the use of nuclear weapons against large-scale conventional aggression as a sign that Russia will defend
itself with the weapons that it has. 'This thesis many consider to be a manifestation of aggression by Russia 'rising from its knees.' The author
does not state who the 'many' might be, but the locale suggests an eastern focus (Sovetskaia Sibir, February 11).
As NATO members debate among themselves the issue of reducing tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, Russia's Eurasian landscape may demand a
broader focus for such discussions on this part of the nuclear equation because of the emerging explicit connections. The Almaty-based Eurasian
Media Forum reported on February 25 that 'Russia is ready to protect other participants of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO),
including with application of nuclear weapons.' The CSTO Secretary-General, Nikolai Bordyuzha, made these remarks in a television interview.
Moscow has been calling for closer ties between NATO and the CSTO, but there has been little interest in this in Brussels or Washington. Both see
the CSTO as a manifestation of a Russian 'sphere of privileged influence.' One cannot construe a nuclear response to terrorism or to NATO as
being at the heart of Bordyuzha's declaration, its source lies further east. Moreover, by explicitly invoking the nuclear arsenal as part of
Moscow's commitment to other CSTO members, Bordyuzha has made the issue of Russia's tactical nuclear weapons explicitly into a Eurasian security
problem (Eurasian Media Forum, February 25).
[return to Contents]
BBC Monitoring
Pundits doubt Russian navy needs French-built warship
Excerpt from report by international stream of Russian Centre TV, owned by the Moscow city government, on 6 March
(Presenter Aleksey Pushkov) Why do we need a Mistral helicopter carrier, which we are planning to buy in France? Or even four Mistrals? The
Defence Ministry and the General Staff are saying one thing, and many experts exactly the opposite. Debates over the Mistral reflect not only
disagreements about what kind of weapons we need but also whether we must buy military hardware abroad or develop our own defence industry.
At the same time, the possible contract has provoked a negative reaction from the USA, Georgia and the Baltic republics. They are in principle
against NATO countries' selling Russia new military hardware. US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has already shared his concerns with France. The
presence of this ship in the Baltic Sea will change the security situation in the region, the defence ministers of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
have said at a joint news conference in Riga. However, Paris disagrees. We cannot expect Russia to behave like a partner if we don't treat it
like a partner, (French President) Nicolas Sarkozy has said.
Here is Ramil Gataulin's report about the military and political aspects of the deal which is being prepared and which has already caused a stir.
(Correspondent) So it is really true that the name of a ship is defines its fate. The mistral is a piercing northwesterly wind. France's
intention to sell the ship to Russia has already brought chill in relations with its NATO allies and created a storm of indignation in France
itself. Well-known Russophobe journalist Andre Glucksmann described the news about the sale of the ship to Russia as 'monstrous'.
'By providing Putin with the means for rapid invasion of Georgia, Crimea, or the Baltic countries, we are sending him a clear message: Go
ahead!', Glucksmann writes indignantly.
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Georgia have already said that Russia is allegedly preparing a new war. US Congress is directly urging France not
to give us the Mistral.
The Russian Defence Ministry believes that if we buy the Mistral, the army will get a modern ship and our plants new technologies.
(Nikolay Makarov, chief of the General Staff and first deputy defence minister) In the last 15-20 years, we have lost many positions in the
development of hardware and weapons. This ship has a wide range of functions. It can be used as a helicopter carrier, an amphibious assault ship,
a command ship, a hospital, or an ordinary transport ship to carry cargo.
(Correspondent) (passage omitted) Russian Navy Commander Adm Vladimir Vysotskiy believes that the Mistral would have increased the fleet's combat
capabilities and manoeuvrability. In the conflict in August 2008, a ship like that would have allowed the Black Sea Fleet to accomplish its
mission in 40 minutes, instead of 26 hours. (Vysotskiy quoted as saying)
The Defence Ministry is planning to order four Mistral-type ships. However, the deal raises a few questions.
(Anatoliy Tsyganok, head of the Centre of Military Forecast) I don't think we need this helicopter carrier. After the reform in the army and the
navy, there is only one marine brigade left in the North Sea Fleet. To buy four helicopter carriers for one marine brigade is outrageous, I
(Correspondent) However, one can sympathize with our Defence Ministry. Our defence industry is in decline. Shipyards are on the verge of
(Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Centre of Analysis of Strategies and Technologies) As we know, our main specialized company which could have
built such a ship, Sevmash Predrpiyatiye (Severnoye Mashinostroitelnoye Predpriyatiye), cannot complete on time a whole number of projects,
starting with the Prirazlomnaya platform for Gazprom. Sevmash has also breached a whole number of export contract, such as the delivery of
aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov to India and tankers for Norway, and has been heavily penalized. Still, in effect, it continues to milk the
Defence Ministry, blackmailing it by saying that this company is the main enterprise for building new-generation missile carriers. This is
extremely irritating for the military and Defence Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov, who has repeatedly said that the Defence Ministry is there to
resolve problems rather than provide social security for the defence industry.
(Correspondent) However, it transpired that nobody was planning to give us modern technologies. France is prepared to sell us a ship without
electronic equipment, i.e. a simple tub in fact. We are being asked to pay 500,000m euros for it.
(Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems) Buying this ship, without electronic equipment, without command systems, is
like buying a tin can and stuffing it with our own equipment. Why do we need this? We must also take into account that by buying a foreign ship
we are letting ourselves to be kept on a short leash by foreign companies, I mean necessary work, delivery of components, and servicing.
(Ruslan Pukhov) When we can't build the necessary number of corvettes and frigates, let alone destroyers, throwing away several hundred million
euros on an obvious luxury item is like living in a hovel and buying a Bentley and parking it in the yard together with old bangers. This is an
obvious attempt by a pauper to buy a luxury item.
(Anatoliy Tsyganok) Russia is loosing its leading positions as a great power. What is a great power? A great power must have a big territory, an
industrial complex, and Russian weapons produced in Russia.
(Correspondent) (passage omitted) It is difficult to understand the weapons market from the economic point of view alone. This is part of world
politics. There are many hidden aspects there.
(Ruslan Pukhov) Sometimes people buy weapons to wage wars, like Ethiopia and Eritrea before the war. Sometimes people buy weapons to stuff their
pockets with kickbacks under the pretext of purchasing arms, like it happened many times in Saudi Arabia and other oil countries in the Gulf,
when they bought weapons in France and UK for huge kickbacks. Sometimes weapons are bought in order to thank this or that country for something.
(Correspondent) Recently France joined the Nord Stream gas pipeline project. It is also planning to spend approximately 1bn dollars on buying 14
Soyuz missile carriers. So there are serious political reasons for buying the Mistral. But do we really need to take this step, so controversial
in many respects, for these reasons? There is no unanimity on this subject, as we can see.
(Video 1931-1939 shows various ships, helicopters, other military hardware)
[return to Contents]
New Ukraine leader soothes Russia, no gas deals
By Denis Dyomkin
March 5, 2010
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukraine's new president Viktor Yanukovich soothed Moscow Friday by suggesting he would reverse key policies of his pro-Western
predecessor, but won no public promise that Russia will lower Kiev's onerous gas bills.
Making a state visit to Moscow a week after his inauguration, Yanukovich said his five-year presidency is a chance to 'open a new page' in ties
between the Slavic neighbors after half a decade of increasing acrimony.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said both leaders would 'do everything' to put ties back on track.
'We are talking not about the development of relations but about their rebirth,' he said.
Yanukovich suggested he would let Russia's Black Sea Fleet remain at its base in the Crimean peninsula port of Sevastopol after the current lease
expires in 2017. Former President Viktor Yushchenko had stressed he wanted Russia out by the deadline.
Yanukovich also said he would scrap orders Yushchenko signed which elevated two World War II-era nationalists reviled by Russia to the status of
'Heroes of Ukraine.'
The decrees angered Ukraine's former imperial master Russia and increased its distaste for Yushchenko, who pushed his nation toward NATO and
sought to shed Moscow's influence.
Despite Friday's warm talk, there were fewer signs of solidarity on the economic issues that will continue to dominate relations between energy
giant Russia and Ukraine, a key export route for Russian oil and gas headed for Europe.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin forged a long-term gas deal in 2009 with Yanukovich's election rival, former Prime Minister Yulia
Tymoshenko, removing preferential price treatment for Ukraine and bringing rates paid in line with the market.
Many analysts believe Kiev's desperate public finances mean Yanukovich must push for change in the long-term gas deal.
'He's inherited the proverbial poisoned chalice in the economy and will need to do deals with both Russia and the EU,' said Chris Weafer, chief
strategist at investment bank Uralsib.
But neither Medvedev nor Putin discussed the gas pricing with Yanukovich, Russian officials said. They suggested it would be addressed once
Yanukovich forms a government in Ukraine.
Yanukovich's first foreign destination as president was Brussels, where he assured the European Union Monday that Ukraine will be a reliable gas
transit route.
Europe, which gets a fifth of its gas needs from Russia via Ukraine, is hoping warmer Moscow-Kiev ties will prevent repeats of price disputes
which have led to supply cuts to Europe.
The Kremlin Thursday said Ukraine should not seek to revise gas contracts. But Russian daily Kommersant reported on Friday that Ukraine will
offer Moscow a one-third stake in the management of its gas pipelines in exchange for deep price cuts.
Ukraine's acting prime minister and Yanukovich rival Oleksander Turchinov, said giving Moscow any control over the pipelines would be 'a betrayal
of national interests.'
Yanukovich has pleased Russia by making clear he opposes Ukraine joining NATO. But analysts have said Yanukovich would have to offer Moscow
bigger incentives, such as a deal for the Black Sea Fleet to stay on, to win lower gas prices.
Yanukovich may also seek to convince Russia not to proceed with Nord Stream or South Stream, pipelines that would bypass Ukraine in delivering
gas to Europe and cut Kiev's revenues.
At the Kremlin, Medvedev and Yanukovich signed a declaration vowing to boost economic ties 'in every way possible.'
But an exchange between and Yanukovich and Putin underscored the limits. When Yanukovich said Ukraine wants 'a sharp turn' in ties, Putin said
curtly, 'Join the customs union,' referring to a trade group linking Russia, Belarus and Kazahstan.
Ukraine is in the World Trade Organization and is unlikely to join the union.
[return to Contents]
Putin wants 'to make up for lost time' in relations with Ukraine
March 6, 2010
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met newly-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Moscow today. The two leaders admitted the level
of relations between the two countries was unsatisfactory. According to Yanukovych, a new government will be formed in Ukraine in the very near
future and it will have a major revision of relations with Russia. Putin agreed that a lot needs to be done 'to make up for lost time'. The
following is a compilation of Russian news agency reports covering the meeting. Subheadings have been inserted editorially.
Russia wants Ukraine to join Customs Union
The Russian prime minister invited Ukraine to join the Customs Union. 'Join the Customs Union,' Putin told Yanukovych in response to the latter's
proposal to have a 'complete turnaround' in relations between the two countries.
The Customs Union currently includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, while Kirgizia (Kyrgyzstan) expressed a desire to join.
'Russian-Ukrainian relations and not only in the economic but also humanitarian sphere were a very sensitive issue (during the election campaign
- Interfax),' Yanukovych said. He promised 'major changes to Ukraine's domestic, as well as foreign policy'.
Economic cooperation
Putin said at the meeting that Russia and Ukraine could develop energy cooperation also in the markets of third countries. 'As for energy, one
can build normal and civilized relations in this sphere, move them forward and develop, including in the markets of third countries,' Putin said,
according to Interfax.
The Russian prime minister added that the two countries had potential for cooperation not just in the energy sphere, according to an ITAR-TASS
report. He stressed that Russia and Ukraine had close ties in machine-building, aviation construction, power engineering and agriculture. 'A lot
needs to be done to make up for lost time and for something that was lost and at times destroyed,' he said. As an example he mentioned turnover
between the two countries which in 2009 decreased by 40 per cent to 22.9bn dollars.
Both the Russian prime minister and the Ukrainian president admitted that the level of bilateral relations was unsatisfactory, according to
For his part, Yanukovych said that in one year GDP in Ukraine had fallen twice as much as in Russia. Besides, according to the Ukrainian
president, the political situation in Russia was far better than in Ukraine.
He offered to send some 'political windbags' to Russia, so that people in Russia could see for themselves what political windbags were like and
appreciate stability Russia was currently enjoying. To that, Putin replied: 'Send us salo (Ukrainian delicacy) instead.'
Ukraine to form parliament coalition, government soon
Yanukovych said at the meeting, according to Interfax: 'Soon we shall put things in order.'
The Russian authorities expect the Ukrainian parliament to form a coalition and wish Ukraine to restore stability as soon as possible, the
Russian prime minister said at the meeting, according to RIA Novosti.
'We expect the Ukrainian parliament to form a coalition, and, hence, a government of Ukraine, which is our main partner with whom we hope to
develop normal and constructive relations,' Putin said.
He added that Russia sincerely wished that stability was restored in Ukraine as soon as possible. 'We want (Ukraine), one of our main economic
partners, to develop in a stable way and we want (Ukraine), one of our political partners, to develop successfully because major enterprises, if
not sectors of the economy, directly depend on this,' the Russian prime minister said.
The Ukrainian president expressed confidence that his country would form a government in the very near future, Interfax reported. 'And then we
will have to revise what happened (in relations between Russia and Ukraine - Interfax) and remove artificial barriers,' Yanukovych said.
According to the report, Putin said future cooperation between the two countries lay in the sphere of innovations.
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Viktor Yanukovych to gain points from Bandera controversy - expert
KIEV, March 7 (RIA Novosti)-It will be easy for Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to cancel his predecessor Viktor Yushchenko's January
decree to award, amid much media hysteria, the honorary title of Hero of Ukraine to onetime Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, a Polish analyst
said Sunday.
Warsaw University's Andrzej Szeptycki said the cancelation would bring Yanukovych additional points in the European Union and Russia and would
make it possible for him to 'annoy' Yushchenko.
Yanukovych, sworn in February 25 following the February 7 presidential election runoff that he narrowly won from then prime minister Yulia
Tymoshenko, said after Friday's talks with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow that the Bandera controversy would be settled before this
year's Victory Day.
'This is a concession Yanukovych will find easy to make,' Szeptycki was quoted by the Unian news agency as saying.
Yanukovych has a friendly attitude to Russia rather than Yushchenko whose pro-Western policies, including a bid to take Ukraine into NATO, saw a
rapid deterioration in bilateral ties.
Bandera's Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists briefly allied with Nazi Germany during the 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union. The Soviet
authorities accused Bandera, who fought both the Nazis and the Soviets in his quest for an independent Ukraine, of numerous acts of murder and
terrorism. He was assassinated by the KGB in Munich, Germany, on October 15, 1959.
In Ukraine Bandera is a controversial figure, with many in the more nationalist west of the country considering him a hero.
Yanukovych's position 'shows that [Yushchenko] is no longer president,' Szeptycki said, adding that Yanukovych is ready to sacrifice potential
western Ukrainian support to the benefits he would have from good relations with the EU and Russia.
EU parliamentarians on February 25 condemned Yushchenko's decree and called on Yanukovych to revise the decision.
[return to Contents]
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010
From: 'Russian Analytical Digest (RAD)' <>
Subject: No. 74: Russian Financial Activities
3 March 2010/No. 74
Russian Financial Activities
To download this issue please go here:
The Russian Banking Industry after the 2008A2009 Financial Crisis A What Next?, by Laura Solanko and Zuzana FungA*A!covA*A!, Helsinki
The Russian Stock Market: Reflecting Society's Broader Problems, by Philippe Rudaz, Fribourg
Statistics, Opinion Polls and Maps
Domestic Credit to and Foreign Debt of Russia's Private Sector
Russian Stock Exchange Indices 1995A2010
We welcome feedback on RAD topics or any comments you may have on our publication. To send your comments, please visit our website at and click on 'Submit a Letter to the Editor'.
The Russian Analytical Digest is a bi-weekly internet publication jointly produced by the Research Centre for East European Studies
[Forschungsstelle Osteuropa] at the University of Bremen and the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich (ETH Zurich), and the Institute of History at the University of Basel. It is supported by the German Association for East European Studies
(DGO). The Digest draws on contributions from the German-language Russland-Analysen, the CSS analytical network on Russia and Eurasia, and the
Russian Regional Report.
[return to Contents]
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2010
From: Andrei Tsygankov <>
Subject: Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity. The Second Edition
Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity. The Second Edition (Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), 265 pp. $ 32.95
By Andrei P. Tsygankov
Now fully updated and revised, this clear and comprehensive text explores the past thirty years of Soviet/Russian international relations,
comparing foreign policy formation under Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, and Medvedev. Drawing on an impressive mastery of both Russian and Western
sources, Andrei Tsygankov shows how Moscow's policies have shifted with each leader's vision of Russia's national interests. He evaluates the
successes and failures of Russia's foreign policies, explaining its many turns as Russia's identity and interaction with the West have evolved.
The book concludes with reflections on the emergence of the post-Western world and the challenges it presents to Russia's enduring quest for
great power status along with its desire for a special relationship with Western nations.
1. Understanding Change and Continuity in Russia's Foreign Policy
2. The Cold War Crisis and the Soviet New Thinking
3. The PostACold War Euphoria and Russia's Liberal Westernism
4. The New Security Challenges and Great Power Balancing
5. The World after September 11 and Great Power Pragmatism
6. The U.S. Regime Change Strategy and a New Face of Great Power Pragmatism
7. The Post-Western World and Russia's Search for a New Direction
8. Conclusions and Lessons
Andrei P. Tsygankov
International Relations/Political Science
San Francisco State University
[return to Contents]
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010
Subject: new website about human rights in Russia:
From: Simon Cosgrove <> is a website devoted to:
- providing information about human rights in Russia in the English language;
- publicizing the voices of Russian human rights defenders and human rights organizations to an audience outside Russia.
- regularly publishes the views of Russia's leading human rights activists, from Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions.
- works in partnership with Russia's leading human rights website,, to provide materials from this website in English translation.
- publishes weekly and monthly reviews of developments in human rights in Russia.
- contains an expanding wealth of materials about Russia's human rights organizations.
- contains a wide range of news about the international context of human rights in Russia, including updates on the decisions of the European
Court of Human Rights and developments in UN bodies.
- publicizes the views of leading international human rights groups about the situation in Russia, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights
- provides links to world media coverage of developments in Russia.
Simon Cosgrove
[return to Contents]
From: Svetlana Babaeva <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010
Subject: Russia and the US: Ten dimensions
Russia and the US: Ten dimensions
By Svetlana Babaeva
US Bureau chief, Russian News & Information Agency (RIA Novosti)
Article is based on the speech given for the 'Beacon Hill Seminars' club, Boston, MA
Russians used to benchmark their approaches and actions against those in the US. I believe it's a kind of Soviet legacy of the 'two great powers'
standoff that had been lasting for decades. Then one of the great powers remained, while the other has changed dramatically. However, the habit
of comparing its achievements with the ones in the USA exists.
Many Russians including those within the political establishment are pretty sure: Russia and the US are very much alike, and in fact are two
sides of the same coin. The difference is that in the US efforts were concentrated at developing market economy and building the global power,
while Russia was focused on building socialism and communism. Then the model failed, and today Russia strives to revive on the basis of market
economy and democracy, so to become - again - a super power.
On my opinion, Russia and the US have nothing in common. They are two far from each other A in the broad sense of the word.
Below are 10 key concepts for a country's identity and character, that prove how differently values were created, institutions and traditions
arose and in what sense Russia and the US perceive their identity. They may sound the same some times, but are understood very differently.
1. Private property
Private property is one of the fundamentals for the American society. Richard Hofstadter, an American historian, emphasized that in the process
of setting up the new state the Founding Fathers were primarily focused on securing private ownership. They had seen the European monarchies, so
they understood it was necessary, on one hand, to build up a system that would preserve the property, and on the other, to set up a government
that would not degenerate either into a monarchy, or into a rule of the crowd. That meant that power should be based on mechanisms of
transparency and accountability. People in government were to stay there for a limited period of time and then to be replaced with others.
The private ownership institution in Russia historically had its specific features. For example, the nobility that received their lands and
titles from a Tsar. Thus, from the very beginning property had a different nature, and often it was received from the Sovereign. So, it turned
out that property emerged from being loyal to the Sovereign. The nobility were also tax-exempt which made them even more dependent on the supreme
authority and at the same time created a sense of power with the state 'office-holders'.
In the 17th century European merchants already observed despotism of Russian authorities, for example bribes of Russian Custom officers. In the
18th century state monopolies were going stronger and stronger. For example, free salt trade was allowed for private companies only in 1818.
In the last third of 19th century business was simultaneously booming both in the US and Russia. Industrial oligarchs, financial system, trade
chains were quickly emerging. However, Mr. Morgan, Rockefeller and others strongly opposed providing rude commentaries to any attempts of the
President or the Congress to split the monopolies. In Russia, according to historian Richard Pipes, 'the political impotence of the Russian
bourgeoisie resulted primarily from the experience of many centuries that the path to prosperity lays not through confrontation but through
cooperation with the State'.
Cooperation with the government or at least lack of any opposition today also gives Russian business opportunity to advance. Moreover,
entrepreneurs do not demonstrate just harmony with the government, but they engage in its plans which brings interdependency to both parties.
All remember a dialogue between Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and metal industry tycoon Oleg Deripaska in a small town of Peekalyovo. Mr. Putin
came there to calm down social protests and forced Deripaska to
issue immediately a directive about paying out the wages to factory workers. After that he reminded Mr. Deripaska 'Give me back my pen, please'.
Thus, the Prime Minister demonstrated his interference into business competence emphasizing he had a right to do this. Thereby, it was proved in
public: it's the government who has the last word in any conflict or dispute with a business, not an owner.
At the same time the owners of major businesses receive government aid in the form of loans and subsidies and the government gets shares of
various companies in exchange. Presumably, the government support was crucial duting the economic crisis, but the support seems to be different
from similar practices.
In the previous year AvtoVAZ company A a Russian GM A was granted A at least $2 bln of governmental financial aid according to the figures
appeared in the media and at least it will get $1 bln in 2010. However, there are still doubts on brilliant future of a car produced by the
automobile company. The US has lost its leadership in world car industry, but people can still drive American cars. Unfortunately, Russian LADAs
are much more outdated.
Thus, the taxpayers' money often goes to support inefficient manufacturing and poorly performing enterprises, the future potential and
cost-effectiveness of which are not discussed.
It is appropriate to conclude that Russian business is not much interested in improving economic standards. First, because efficiently operating
companies may be deprived of government financial aid and loan guarantees. Secondly, because at any point of time the government may decide that
the state is more efficient owner, take a profitable business or pass it to other owners. The main lesson learnt by business community from YUKOS
case was not to oppose the government, but to demonstrate loyalty.
Why then business community cannot join forces? It has at least two major associations where every prominent Russian entrepreneur is a member A
they are Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Oligarchs could participate in these two
organizations to promote their interests and to advocate for their rights, using them for negotiations with the government. However, this
doesn't happen.
There are at least two explanations. The first one is that entrepreneurs compete with each other, but primarily not for higher productivity or
more efficient technology, but for getting closer to the government. The government does name a winner for, say, oil or gas field development, a
recipient of financial aid. Bureaucrats do decide whose international projects are to be supported at the top level. Thus, business in Russia
competes primarily not between itself or for customers, but for benevolence of the government. Consolidation based on this purpose is impossible,
because then everyone will be equally close or far from the government. The second explanation is each business owner believes that he personally
can avoid nationalization of at least straight state meddling if he is loyal enough.
Besides, there is another factor for such behavior of business and the government A the public mood. The idea of equality was strongly promoted
in the Soviet Union though it was equality in poverty instead of prosperity.
As a result a steady negative public opinion of any kind of wealth has been formed for 70 years. However, it is important to add that
historically rich people were never appreciated in Russia. The Soviet state just made stronger those national perceptions, liquidating both the
aristocracy and the wealthy. Everything became public property, belonged to the state which meant to no-one.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, people began to acquire property A in fact, for the first time ever in the Russian history. However, they still
hate the wealthy. First of all, neither the wealthy themselves, nor the government are doing anything to change this public perception. On the
contrary, the government often supports such attitude. The example of Mr. Putin in Peekalyovo proves that.
Secondly, the most of the population is really poor and they have absolutely no reason to like the rich. The gap between 10 % of the richest and
the poorest in Russia made 16-20 times in 2008, and became 23 times after the crisis. According to unofficial statistics it's 40 times.
At the same time citizens do not realize often that anything they own is also property. Summer cottages, apartments and cars they own are not
perceived as private property, and need protection like an oil or gas company does. Such things are just purchases for many or a part of their
everyday life. One of explanations may be the following: majority of the people do not live in apartments or houses they purchased, but in flats
they privatized. After the Soviet Union collapsed, various assets were being transferred to private ownership on a broad scale, and people
privatized their apartments for free.
But once you get something for free, it is not perceived as value. People mostly wait for government assistance to resolve their problems. Or
they presume such problems as theft, vandalism, bad ecological environment is inevitable part of their difficult life. Too short period has
passed since people acquired their first material comfort particularly acquired consciously, using their own savings or loans. Probably, the next
generation will demonstrate a different attitude toward property, as well to the environment surrounding it.
2. Elected Power
'Good governance may be achieved not by consolidation or concentration of power, but by separation of powers', Thomas Jefferson wrote.
Russia has the monarchy tradition. And even more: the Tsar was perceived as The Lord's representative on Earth. Thus, the nature of the tsar's
power was not only succession, but the God's blessing. The Sovereign, in his turn, appointed his local representatives to the government,
agencies and to courts.
The people did not elect the best amongst themselves. Those to be respected and honored were indicated to the population. Social scientists
compare the political mechanism with the similar one in Latin America when a Leader points his finger (con el dedo) at a person or at a problem
and the population follows the directive.
During the Soviet times separation of powers was nominal, in reality all the decision-making was done by the Communist party authorities.
Well-developed political institutions never existed in Russia. There were also nominal elections with 99% voting turnout and approval.
Russia attempted to introduce electoral tools in early 1990-s. Not only the president, governors, the Parliament and institutions of
self-government were elected. For example, directors of enterprises and factories were elected as well.
However, such practice did not stay for long for two main reasons. Having demolished the Soviet system which was not producing anything but
poverty, degradation and weapons, people desired miracle and wealth immediately. In their expectations they turned to these new directors who
often were good political leaders and, poor managers. The result came soon in form of quick disappointment in those who had been elected and
request for someone new. But at the same time it was extremely difficult to distinguish between bad management and the objective circumstances
such as collapse of the whole economic model. If a building destroys, it is quiet difficult to keep one room safe and nice.
However, the country did not have enough time to improve the situation. The population called for Mr. Putin who recovered predominance of the
strong state.
Why did people support that? They were got tired of the chaos of 1990-s. They were used to stability; let it be stability in poverty; depressing
but stable, dull but predictable. And they turned to an example familiar to them. They called for 'order', a sacred word for Russia.
First, the President appointed his representatives to seven Federal Districts, then in 2004 governors' elections were cancelled, and then police
chiefs and judges in the regions became presidential appointees. In a certain sense Russia restored the system it had during the tsarist times
for over 2 centuries: governors and governors General were appointed by Tsar to the regions, and their main function was to assure compliance
with the tsar's orders. Only Polish and Finnish autonomies had separate legislation in the Russian Empire. Therefore, we are now back to the
system when the power of Moscow is the main source of respect, wealth, social status and official position.
The current system in Russia is to some extent may be defined in an old Soviet word - 'nomenklatura' (political establishment that based on
appointment at all levels by the governance and staying there as long as possible).
Here is the definition of different models given by Olga Kryshtanovskaya, a Russian political analyst: 'How is nomenklatura-based system
different from the democratic one? In a democracy any politician is very much conscious of the citizens. He needs their votes. That's why a
politician is interested in satisfying people's needs. He wants to get elected again. So he is attentive to processes taking place on the ground.
In the nomenklatura-based system a politician looks at nothing.. but at what's happening 'on the top'. All the bureaucracy is especially
conscious of the moods of their bosses. And if the boss is happy A all's well'.
One can argue that Russia sill has the elections to the Federal Parliament and legislatures, as well as the presidential race. That is true.
However, Russia doesn't' have tradition and well-established system of political competition, which could provide independency of political
parties or protect the process from dominating of the state power, either regional or federal one.
The elections per se do not guarantee the autonomy of lawmakers and do not create values and accountability beyond elections. One of the best
scholars of the XX century Erich Fromm said: 'At least two requirements are involved in the formation of a genuine conviction: adequate
information and the knowledge that one's decision has an effect. Opinions formed by the powerless onlooker do not express his or her conviction,
but are a game.. Without information, deliberation, and the power to make one's decision effective, democratically expressed opinion is hardly
more than the applause at a sports event'.
That is what to some extent takes place in Russia. Citizens still can vote but they cannot elect. It is similar to what Thomas Jefferson
described 'elective despotism' and what he feared much.
3. Individualism
There is nothing wrong for Americans in trying to be better than others. A self-made person is respected and becomes 'a poster child'. You should
rely on your own self, trust in your own forces and start over and over again even if previous attempts failed.
It's not like that in Russia. The sociologists point that the main purpose for an average Russian is not to be worse than others. Not to be
better than others. Tradition dates back to old Russian communes and collective being throughout ages plus the Soviet experience. Bright and
outstanding persons are dangerous for the system. Being one of a crowd, one of a group A that is the principle well understood by Russians.
However American authors also used to write about the sense of a group when they expressed their concerns about Americans preferring
individuality to the comfort of being part of a group with its rules.
The feeling is much stronger in Russia. A prominent Russian philosopher Nikolay Berdyayev wrote: 'Russians have always lacked commitment to
individual rights and a capacity for self-organization of social groups and classes'. There is no willingness or tools among Russians to resolve
problems at their own discretion.
This is one of the paradoxes of Russian and American characters. Russians have never been individualists. Public surveys still demonstrate a
predominant share of those who say 'people in Russia are more used to be on friendly terms and do not think of personal benefits', 'our people
are used to doing everything together, so they do not tolerate those which put themselves above a group'.
And at the same time the society cannot consolidate to response its challenges. An oligarch or an ordinary citizen will be trying to resolve a
problem individually, but will not get together with others so to establish NGO or a volunteer group to eliminate a problem completely.
In the US situation is an opposite one. In everything what is concerned their personal interests the Americans are very individualistic. However,
their capacity for self-organization is very high as soon as it comes to any attempt to prevent an incorrect action, to resolve a problem or to
protect their rights.
Russia is a country of submission and humility, where individual rights do not get any protection A this is how Russia was described by Nikolay
Berdyayev in the early XX century. Historically there was never a concept of an individual, personality in Russia. There were King and Master,
Servant and Slave.
In the late XX century Russian philosopher Mirab Mamardashvili described the Soviet citizens as people who 'never face the consequences of their
own actions'. Because they do not make their own actions. They adjust.
The majority of population and establishment are oriented toward adaptation. Adaptation is based not on freedom, individualism, but on submission
and humility. Individualism of Russians is focused on the inner world of a person, not on the outside. It may have an impact on someone's
evolution (or degradation) as a person, but not a member of society.
This provides another specific feature of the society A perception of rules.
4. Rules and Regulations
Any call for self-discipline is irritating for a Russian as philosopher said. What is the biggest surprise for a Russian coming to the US?
Americans obey rules! The phrase 'unfortunately, we cannot do anything for you,
it's against the rules' is perceived by many Russians as personal discrimination.
Historically it is based on three key notions: ?) rules are set by the government and they are unfair from the beginning; b) rules are applied to
ones and are not applied to others, therefore c) those who do not have power need to immediately start thinking about ways to evade a rule
because they do not have means to change it. Social scientists call such attitude 'eluding tactics' which means intention to avoid or to buy off
any enforcement without direct protests prevails.
This comes from a deep historical disbelief in laws and rules being equal for all. In contemporary Russia one simple example can be given: there
are special cars in Russia with flashlights and sound alarms which are allowed to drive as they want not obeying the traffic rules. And the
traffic police are not allowed to stop them. As Cars of prosecutors and investigators, members of parliament, ministers, government officials,
Kremlin officials, the governors, etc., etc. may not obey rules.
As for laws they have always been very severe in Russia. Moreover, there is a kind of unspoken presumption of guilt. In theory a person can file
a claim with the court if he was fired or if he believes a police officer was unfair. But it may take months and months. And the again A
historically the system has been formed in such a way, that there is always a possibility of pronouncing a person or a business guilty A guilty
for not paying taxes, for dealing with strange counterparts. Traffic police are always able to prove that a driver has violated the rules. And
the courts in Russia traditionally are on the side of the government, not on the side of an ordinary citizen.
Another important feature: usually Russia doesn't distinguish between premeditated violation and an ordinary mistake. In all cases you are
guilty. This creates a feeling of hopelessness, lack of protection among citizens, and the feel of superpower among the office-holders. It also
gives rise to enormous corruption because it is easier to pay rather than to prove innocence or disproportion of punishment. The main principles
of responsibility A unavoidability and proportionality A were never valid in Russia. Court resolutions say that responsibility should be based on
justice, impartiality, legal equality and proportionality. In reality, it is not like that A and has never been.
5. Democracy and Freedom
The Republicans liked to talk about nations, which 'deserve democracy'. For Russians it is very difficult to deserve or strive for democracy,
because they do not know what democracy is. They have neither personal practices, nor historical recollection of it. Throughout the 1990-s they
were continuously told about the democracy, however, life was very hard for most of them and chaos was around.
In Western democracies it often happens that citizens are especially active in voting when they want to change something. In today's Russia
people go to vote for no change. Instead of democracy and freedom the Russians chose stability and order. Democracy is perceived as chaos and
freedom A as anarchy.
The reason for having such a sacred attitude to the word 'order' comes from constant feeling of unfairness. 'Order' reflects a kind of dream to
achieve justice, prosperity and happiness. And this is unrealizable.
A Russian does not link justice and prosperity with democracy and freedom. 'Russians prefer freedom from the state to freedom within the state',
resumed philosopher Nikolay Bedyayev. There is no public accountability and Russians are more used to wait for changes initiated by a Sovereign
(a government).
Individual personality never has been respected in Russia. A Russian does not claim respect, and he cannot respect others. Russians do not
perceive any neighbor as person entitled for the same rights and bearing same responsibilities. Russians are not familiar with the basic
principles of democracy: responsibility, accountability, possibility for impacting the process.
What is one of the key achievements of the Founding Fathers? Value of information they were convinced in. A contemporary of Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison and John Mason said: 'Let power flow from the people, but let us educate the people.'
Democracy was spread over the whole society step by step, and the society, in its turn, understood the value of information and feedback. An
American is used to being surrounded by information. Back in the early 19th century John Taylor said: 'How can self-government be exercised if
state does everything in private?'
Russia has no tradition of information, discussions. They were held in 1990-s, however, most of them were not focused on finding the best and
balanced solution, but often seemed as muckraking to suppress an opponent. And most of the people did not have that feeling of involvement. They
were not part of a process; just observers. But finally they got sick and tired of it. It's a hard life when you are in the middle of complete
blackness. No person can stand on long-tasting humiliation, the feeling of being behind the others, to be a loser. Discussion often provoked such
So the attempt to involve a person in managing his own life failed. People began to claim order and control. When prime ministers and political
favorites were being so quickly changed in 1998-99, many of them immediately gained very high rate in public polls a Russian philosopher Grigory
Pomerantz found the definition for the process: 'The people were looking for a Master'. Evgeny Primakov, General Lebed, Sergey Stepashin. And
finally people found Putin. He was the one to promise Order.
Putin dedicated his first presidency to establishing Order. He was fighting terrorists, regions with enormous autonomy, governors who were not
willing to submit the supremacy of Moscow. By the end of his first presidency Putin accomplished his mission. He established order and the people
committed their submission in exchange. The Order paradigm then was replaced with that of Stability.
A new Public Pact as economist Alexander Auzan defined that, emerged: the state does not interfere with its citizens' private life, and citizens
do not interfere with politics. It was easy then, as Russian economy was booming. Its size doubled since 2003 according to the official data.
Effective income of citizens was growing at 8 - 15 % per year before the crisis. Budget expenditure was growing 10 - 17 % each year. Wages were
growing and people were taking the advantages of it. For the first time in the 20th century they were able to take loans, make plans. Overall,
they were able to use benefits they had been deprived during the Soviet era, especially A during the last 20 years of the USSR.
6. Territory
This might be the one and only common feature of Russia and the US. They are both huge territories. However, the stories of their development
and their current statuses are different. Let's begin with the fact that Russia never had a Frontier (in its American meaning). In the territory,
lying beyond the Ural Mountains at first was no government at all, later it became a prison. People first escaped there, and then they were
exiled there. The Americans developed their West.
Today the territory of the US with the population more than twice bigger than Russian, with powerful infrastructure and sense of nation is a
source of strength. In Russia its vast territories are, on one hand, the source of the national pride, on the other hand A a permanent hazard of
degradation and instability.
The unity of the country is supported not by integrated communications or common rules, and not even by control from Moscow. The country is
united because this is what suits the most A so far, at least. There is a different territory of the Caucasus republics, the territories living
in their own time dimension. There are powerful Islamic republics in the center of Russia.
That does not mean future secession or disintegration of Russia. But who could affirm that in 10, or 20 years Russia would remain within the same
borders? The common space is currently present not primarily because of a sense of one nation. It's because it brings benefits. Benefit is not a
bad factor; however, in politics decisions are often made not on the basis of benefit.
7. External Threat
It will be quite relevant to turn to the External Threat topic, as it is directly linked to the territorial one. Any external threat for the US
terminated approximately by 1820. Mexican and Spanish wars were not actually caused by serious external threats.
As for Russia, constant threat of attacks from outside, either from the East or from the West, is one of the national identity features. For ages
Russia has been a subject for conquering or a transit territory for marches to the West.
Historian Arthur Schlesinger wrote that it was the defining factor of Russian foreign policy. The target was always to create a belt of loyal
states or satellites around Russia to assure a territorial safety. It is surrounded by dozens of countries with various political systems and
different levels of development.
According to many historians, the fear of being attacked became one of the most meaningful causes for postwar (World War II) behavior of Russia.
Communist state wanted not just global domination of communism, it wanted security guarantees. And an interesting fact: on-going wars, crusades,
mutual territorial seizures in the West were one of the reasons for setting up common Europe. Countries are greatly interdependent there, they
have very tight links. In the 14th century Europe already was a common market, and in the 20th century it became a common space.
In Russia external threat did not cause aspiration to unify with 'neighbors' but the attempts to insulate itself. In the 19th century Russia was
'part of concert' of great European powers, in the 20th century it started to dominate in Eurasia and focused all its activities on opposing the
power of the United States. Thus the approach of dealing only with big opponents was created.
And now along with its domestic policy which was never capable of taking into account the minority interests, Russia often demonstrates, as it is
defined by some scholars, Great power chauvinism. Russia does not have the skills or desire to enter into a dialogue with 'small countries' which
- Russian believes that - does not have independent foreign policy.
Russia lacks practice of operating within big coalitions where decisions are based on consensus. Russia does not have the skill of complex
negotiations in search for compromises. And that's why Russia's foreign policy is based on military dilemma: you either win or lose. Compromise
is perceived as failure. And only when everyone accepts the original Russian position on an issue, Russia would consider itself a winner.
Such approach is harmful for Russia itself. The opinions of small countries and coalitions with participation of minorities play bigger role in
today's world. Compromise becomes an essential precondition of success. Russia excludes, hence itself from future agreements which could be
Besides that, the impact the US has on the foreign policy of other countries or desire of the US for such impact is often overestimated by
Russia. For example, broader cooperation with Poland could have strengthened the bilateral economic ties and minimize negative perceptions of
Russia by many Poles. It could have positive outcomes for Russia as well, as Poland has a strong voice in the EU.
8. Wealth
Throughout its history Russia has been deprived such a keystone of any society as middle class. No matter what we are looking at A agriculture,
trade in the cities or A later in history A industry, we will mainly see either poverty or luxury, both exceeding all known European examples. If
one had a chance to visit palaces in France and in Russia, one could see that Versailles and Paris are nothing but modest pieces comparing with
St-Petersburg palaces.
Poverty, in its turn, has always been the source of social unrest, revolutions, terrorism and exiles. Without having any social framework in the
form of middle class with its own recognized interests and values, any social event in Russia tends to turn into extreme.
There were three periods during the latest 150 years of Russian history, when the middle class formation was initiated. The first dates back to
late 19th century, when industries and trade were booming in Russia. However, all of it was swept away by the World War I and Revolution.
We could observe the second attempt in mid-1990-s. Having overcome the first shock of Soviet economy and society demolition, by 1997 Russia got
the first signs of the middle class emerging. This took place mainly in big cities attracting capital and work force, as well as forming the
demand. However, the crisis of 1998 brought all these processes to almost zero. It took another several years and an economic boom to start
growing middle class again.
However, Russian middle class is different from similar groups in other countries A by two basic characteristics. The first one is: over the
years of sustainable economic growth middle class revenues have also grown, but realms of competence have not been expanded. Middle class is
neither a base for the regime nor a threat for it.
Maybe that's why the authorities still address all their actions, decisions and communications mainly to low-income citizens. They are perceived
by the government as a main threat to stability. The middle class have no interests, political preferences or values of their own. It is passive
in political process and, hence, excluded from it, to a great extent due to its own choice. The middle class behaves as TV audience, they are
There are many things they dislike, but they do not want to interfere. There is still no such concept in Russia as the taxpayers' interests,
though right before the crisis A and that is really surprising A the income tax share in the consolidated budget revenues was the third biggest.
This has never happened before: the Russian taxation system is focused primarily at corporations, not individuals. And still, given the flat
income tax rate of 13 %, the population could provide significant contribution into the budget. However, this was not widely discussed and has
not brought any consequences. Middle class is not ready for social or political practices.
The second characteristic of the social group A and a sad one A is lack of the concept for values. We live on the ruins of the Soviet empire, the
old values are not working any more and devaluated, while as the new ones are not created. The Americans are much more perceptive to the limits
of the good and the evil. Russians today do not have an understanding of what is good and what is evil. Attitude toward wealth is a good example
of that. Russians were never told that Adam Smith appeals are good. Is it good or bad to be wealthy? When you see any injustice and try to amend
it even your protest threatens stability of the whole society A is it good or bad? What norms and values do you pass over to your children? For
Russians they have not been defined yet.
Russian middle class is a thin slice of society with vague interests and uncertain future compressed between also a thin, but powerful group of
the wealthy who build their lives according to the mainstream, and a
huge group of low-income people who are in the focus of the government's support. This policy in essence is conservative. It is wrong-oriented
because if there is any group capable of creating a prosperous and at the same time stable future A it is middle class and the creative element
inside it.
9. Elites
The talk is more about the establishment, because Russia does not have the elite in its classical meaning. Thus, elite should have the following
features: public recognition, obvious merits in a society as a whole or its certain part, renewal capabilities. That is why it's worth to talk
mostly about the establishment A political, economic and cultural.
Sadly, the establishment in Russia is mostly nomenklatura (government protA(c)gA(c)s or appointees) or it is turned to nomenklatura. They are
many people having turned out at the top positions often by chance or due to being loyal. It often happens that we do not know the strong and
week sides of a figure. We may only know this figure is a member of a team of the sponsor A a person who appoints or recommends this figure.
Thus, the establishment in Russia is neither professional politicians nor professional managers. Loyalty to the person who brought them to the
top is an essential condition for staying where they are. Such office holders, hence, are mostly guided not by strategic goals of nation's
prosperity, professionalism or efficiency, but by benevolence of their bosses.
The establishment has a clearly visible concern A its members fear to get excluded from that class. Because there is no well-established social
structure in Russia, leaving the top level may mean not just one step down or aside, it's a threat to fall down. And then you may lose all your
privileges, prosperity and respect A because they often come not from professional skills or social status, but from the official position.
This kind of fear is noticed by sociologists, and they believe it causes the desire of each member to get deeper inside its social group and to
become one of many, rather than to demonstrate a different view or behavior. That is why we are not witnessing loud dissatisfaction within the
establishment. These are the rules of the game and they obey them.
Besides just fear A and obedience as a result A one can see that Russian establishment has also no understanding of values. The interest is clear
A to survive and strengthen the status. Therefore, values are based on what is mainstream political and social agenda. If there is a struggle
against oligarchs, everyone supports the struggle. If a new figure is being appointed to a top position, everyone is saying what a great choice
has been done without explanation why this choice is so great and what merits help a newcomer to successfully perform in the new position. Such
servants turned to be more royalists than the King.
If one takes a look at old European traditions, one can see those were the top social groups A the aristocracy A who propagated and maintained
society values and than transmit them to other groups. Russian aristocrats are lying at the cemeteries near Paris or Vorkuta. Then the Soviet
leaders who came after also perished in camps and prisons.
Only during the 20th century the upper social level was liquidated twice in Russia. Those were the best, the ones who had proved they were not
just passive observers. Then the World War II occurred. More than 20 millions of lives were sacrificed. Then the Soviet nomenklatura emerged. It
no longer had fear to be repressed A maybe that was one of the reasons for a rapid upheaval of Soviet economy and society in 1960-s. The society
was no longer paralyzed by fear.
But then stagnation came, adaptation practice and finally A the collapse of Soviet mechanisms. The turbulent 1990-s brought many new faces. New
figures appeared in politics, in economics and in social life.
Then the era of stability arrived. And here we've got the establishment playing according to the generally accepted rules. Individual opinions
are not encouraged, criticism is perceived as a riot.
The Soviet dissident Andrei Amalrik several decades ago said that the ruling bureaucratic elite of the late Soviet era knew very well how to
protect its power, but didn't know what to do with it. Not only could they innovate, but they treated any new idea as an assault on their
privileges. Self-preservation became the main goal of the Soviet regime.
The created system with supremacy of the state, clear submission to the state and public content to that A exhausted around 2007. But the side
effects were compensated by the economic booming. Then two things happened: the global economic crisis and Dmitry Medvedev's election.
10. Changes
What are the outcomes as of today? For over eight years Russia has been experiencing continuous growth. But at the same time problems, bribes,
business and transaction costs were also growing. The appearance of stability was improving, but the belief in stable future was deteriorating.
Today there are two counter trends in economy, politics and social life. The first one: Russia has passed through the crisis, economy is
reviving, it has money, global trends are positive. In the fall of 2009 Alexei Kudrin A the Minister of Finance announced Russia being out of
recession. He added: 'While the oil prices stay at the level of $70-80 per barrel, economy will continue to grow'.
However, other economists and analysts ask: what kind of growth is being discussed? What are we reconstructing and what is the quality of our
Zbignew Brzezinski in 'The Washington Quarterly' wrote in spring of 2008: 'China in the last decade has constructed a network of more than 30,000
miles of modern, multilane highways, while Russia is only now building its very first, at last upgrading the two-lane paved road between Moscow
and St. Petersburg on the tract built centuries ago by Peter the Great.. Russia is about 20 years behind the developed countries in industrial
technology, but it also develops 20 times fewer innovative technologies than does China and devotes considerably less money to research'.
In Russia there are also concerns: yes, there is growth, but it is extensive growth, like in the Soviet times. We are growing using the Soviet
base, and we are spending it too fast. The efficiency is declining. Many economists now say that social expenditures of the state budget are
already huge. They increase paternalism in the society and maintain social stability. But they do not create Future.
We can see now public discussions on modernization and liberalization of the political system. And this reflects the fact that something is going
wrong. On one hand there are indications of growth, on the other hand A the establishment of the Presidential Commission for Modernization; on
one hand A political stability and high rates of the leaders (polls continue to show 50 to 75 % of approval, support, etc.); and at the same time
A the future is vague.
Russia was capable to restore stability, but is not able to move forward. The country is constrained by the past success from one side and by the
current stability A from the other. This deprives it from the potential of stepping into a Future.
Currently Russia was suggested a choice: stability versus modernization. Almost everyone agrees: change is needed, but the establishment fears
such change as it may break stability and, hence it will lose its positions, status and power. Unfortunately, what Garcia Marquez called
'Progress within the Order' is unlikely to come true in Russia.
What are potential scenarios? Usually all major accomplishments happened in Russia after a war or because of an external threat. Internal fear
has always been another precondition for modernization. A prominent Russian sociologist Yuri Levada used to call it 'Stalin's alternatives'. Back
from the times of Peter the Great, he said, modernization in Russia was always based on orders and internal fear. How is the country supposed to
make a non fear-based breakthrough A that's the question.
Another scenario may be that people get tired of degradation and will demand a public reformer preferring modernization to stability. However, so
far there is very little prospect for that. Therefore, we can see the worst possible scenario: Russia gradually turning into a country of eternal
dawn. A state of eternal transition, where a sunrise never turns into daylight.
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